Kidnapped lol

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Jonsee's P.O.V

"So there's this big party tomorrow for all of the Youtubers before vidcon...Do you want to be my date?" Joe asks as we stand out side of my house.I get really excited then frown.

"I can't sorry I have to work" I say. Joe's face falls.

"oh alright another time then." Joe say's. 

"I can try to get out of it, but I can't promise anything" I say sadly.

"well try" he says with a smile. I nod. We hug before he goes to his car, and drives of with a wave. I bite my lip then walk in through my door. my dad was eating dinner with my brothers.

"I'm back" I say .

"it's only 10 your back early." he says.

"the party thing ended" I say thinking of my approach to how I was going to get tomorrow off. "hey dad there's another party thing tomorrow do you think I could get work off?" I ask.

"No sorry there's a big order going on." He say's.

"dad please" I say giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry sweetie There's work to be done" he say's. I sigh loudly then start thinking.

"Can't we bargain on this?"... I'll make you hot chocolate" I say wiggling my eyebrows at him. He looks at me with his steely gray eye's.

"mmmmmm..... no" he say's. 

"Dad pleeeease with cherries, and sugar, and yummy stuff on top?" I say puffing out my bottom lips, and quivering it.

"nope" he say's popping the P I could tell he was getting annoyed, but I wasn't about to stop. 

"Dad you don't know what this means to me" I say putting my hands on my hips. He copies me.

"No" I open my mouth to say something, but he cuts me off. "Ask again, and your grounded."




"one more word Jonsee"\

"C'mon dad"

"Alright your grounded"

"You can ground me I am 18" 

"As long as you are under my roof I can ground you now go to your room" He say's his tone angry.

'God I hate you sometimes" I say stomping off.

"Don't make me ground you more" He yells. I roll my eye's then pick up the phone I dial Joe's number which I may or may not have remembered.

"Did you convince him to let you come?" He asks the second he picks up.

"not exactly.....What should I wear?" I ask.

"Um... Anything really" he say's. 

"Alright meet me a block or two away from my house. At..."

"5" He say's. "OK I'll be there" 

"See ya there"

Joe's P.O.V

I don't know how she was going to do it, but I sure hoped she could make it.

** That next Day **

Jonsee's P.O.V 

I looked at the large clock in the barn it read 4:30 I look out in the field where my dad, and brothers where bust harvesting. I sneak to the back of the barn Making sure there was no way they could see me. I quickly ran behind some tree's I check over my shoulder to make sure there was no suspicion then quickly ran to the edge of our property. I Took my old jacket, and placed it over the barbed wire so I could climb over. Once I did I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, then walked too the corner of the street I sat down on the curve waiting for Joe.

A couple minutes later he drove up. I stand up brushing off my shorts. Joe get out of the car walking over to my side.

"Hi you made it" Joe say's smiling widely "how did you get your dad to let you come?" He asks.

:I didn't why do you think I asked you to come here?" I ask with a laugh. Joe opens the door, and I climb in. "Thank you very much what a gentle man" I say with a smile. he laughs.

"I try." he say's closing the door lightly. then walks back over to his side.I smile at him.


We arrive at the place. I see Zoe and Louise out front. When they see the car they come running over. 

"You made!" They say with a huge smile. Before I know what's happening I am being pulled after them. I look behind me to see Joe shaking his head, and walking over to Alfie, Caspar, and Troye.  wave to them. Troye smiles, and runs to catch up with Zoe, and Louise, and me being pulled helplessly after them. 

"hey Jonsee how are you?" Troye ask walking quickly as I stumbled along. I laugh slightly.

"I am alright thank you for asking. Enjoying being a tug toy." I say sarcastically. I say They slowed down as we neared a group of people. In which I recognize Tanya, and Jim. There was a pair of twins I did not quite recognize. 

"Hey Zoe!" The fist twin say's. "Louise, Troye"

"Hi Jack this her Joe's 'friend" Zoe say's saying friend like she didn't really mean it. Jack nodded.

"Ahhh friend" Jack say's raising his eyebrows them lowering them again. "I am jack. "He say's holding his hand out. Zoe, and Louise release there grip on me, and I shake his hand. 

"And I am Finn" The other Twin say's sticking out his hand. I shake his hand too. These had to be the most attractive ever!  I smile.

"Nice to meet you both I am Jonsee. 

"Ohh the pleasure is all mine" Jack say's in a flirty tone. Zoe smacks him slightly. 

"Quit being such a flirt Jack. Now come on Jonsee Tanya wants to do your makeup again." Zoe say's she smiles, and gestures for me to follow her. I do rather not wanting to be pulled again Troye puts his arm around my shoulder. Tanya, and louise are not far behind me. Zoe leads the way to the bathroom. 

"Sorry Troye your not allowed in here" Zoe say's. He frowns.

"Talk to you later Jonsee I wave to him.

"Alright" I say I loved that boy.

"Alright lets get to work I just love doing your makeup Jonsee" Tanya say's. The makeup is already out on the counter. She gets to work foundation, concealer, and all. About half way trhough Zoe laughs.

"Joe just texted me asking if you were ok" She say's. "he is totally into you Jonsee" She say's with a smile.

"Can I see your phone for a second?" I ask. She nods, and hands it to me. I bite my lip, and start typing. After I was done I clicked send, and handed it back to her. She reads what I wrote then bursts out laughing. Louise snatches the phone from her, and starts laughing. 

"What what is it?" Tanya asks looking at them. Louise laughs then read out loud.

"Joe help they are in the other room! They kidnapped me, and locked me in this room. I think there going to have Jack, and Finn Rape me Help!!" Louise says after laughing every now and then. Tanya laughs. 

'Jonsee I think your going to fit in with us just fine" Zoe say's with a laugh. 

I think I could get used to hanging out in this crowd.


HI hi I wrote this when I was half asleep so...if it doesn't make sense Sorry :[ 

Sorry it took so long to update I have had a terrible disease called writers block.

O would love you so much it you could post your opinions it would help me a lot. tell me what you think should happen in this story. It helps me update faster if I could know what you guys want for this story. 

Anyway's Comment vote maybe even check out my profile, and hit the cheeky follow button ;) I would love you dearly if you did, and I always follow back so yeah XD

Anyways thank you fro reading this half asleep chapter thank you MWUAH

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