The Case of the Missing Crunchy Nut

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A/N: this is just a short Dan and Phil fic that I thought up while watching their Slender video and Phil asks if Dan would go into the forest to save Phil. It's going to be relatively short, I predict 7-8 chapters, I hope you enjoy! I'll put songs that go along with the chapter at the beginning of each chapter, but they are not necessary to listen to for the story to make sense.

Song choice: He's My Best Friend by Jellyfish

  "Thank you for spending this Tuesday with me- I am hungry as darn heck, so I'm gonna go right now... Look forward to the video! Thank you for choosing to spend however long you spent of your life watching me, I truly appreciate it. Have a splendid week, see you next time! Bye!" Dan stood up from his chair and stretched, yawning. Hopefully Phil hadn't eaten all his cereal again, he was hoping to have some for dinner... Who needs a proper diet anyways? Dan grinned, thinking of Phil's face the last time he had caught him eating his cereal. The sneaking around was totally worth the look on Phil's face.
  When Dan got to the kitchen, he found Phil sitting in his favourite blue chair, eating (of course) Dan's cereal.
  "Phil!" Dan complained loudly, crossing the room to snatch the cereal from Phil's grasp. "You finished all my Crunchy Nut! Now I have to deal with Honey Loops!"
  Phil smiled guiltily, and adjusted his glasses. "Okay, I'm sorry... Can I finish the cereal now?"
  Dan gave Phil a disgusted look, which was ruined due to him smiling slightly, and handed back the cereal.
  "Next time you're buying the cereal..." Dan muttered.
  After both Dan and Phil finished their so called dinners (with Dan eating Honey Loops), they assumed the position: both of them in their sofa creases, mindlessly scrolling through Tumblr for the next few hours.
  At about midnight, Dan called it a night and went to bed. Phil stayed up for another hour, and after checking Twitter one last time, he too went to bed.
  A few hours later, Phil was having a nice dream about the time he and Dan met Fall Out Boy. Suddenly he jerked awake, aware of a presence beside his bed. He squinted at the human figure standing by his bed before giving up and reaching for his glasses on the bedside table. "Dan," Phil complained, squinting at his alarm clock in the darkness, "it's 3am..."
  "I had a nightmare," Dan whispered quietly. "It made me think about what my life would be like had I never met you... Can I sleep with you tonight?"
  Phil looked at Dan, in his pyjamas with his Hobbit hair tousled, and his resistance crumbled. "Fine," Phil groaned jokingly. "But you better not hog the blankets like you usually do or I'm kicking you out."
  Dan smiled sheepishly and crawled into bed beside Phil. "Goodnight Phil," Dan murmured sleepily, already drifting off. "Goodnight Dan," Phil said softly into his pillow. By morning, Phil's arm was draped around Dan's sleeping figure protectively and both of them slept on.

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