This is going to be a book of my drawings. Ones on paper, ones done digitally. You know. I mostly draw anime because it's the only thing I can draw c:
I hope you like it.
Please don't steal my drawings ( I don't think that will happen anyway. I hop...
Outside my window is the best sunsets I swear. I thought these were beautiful so I took a photo.
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Now, I live in England were it is always cold and cloudy and most likely raining so when I see things like this I'm like :O because it's so pretty. I live on the coast so sunsets on the beach are a yes yes.
I really like it when the sky is three colours. Like blue Into pink into yellow and it's sooo pretty. It's amazing.
Also I adore clouds. Like look at them!! ☁︎
Normal weather:
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That photo is in London actually and London is great. I don't live there and it was my first time going and it was really fun!! There's so much to do there :D I used this photo because I don't have a normal photo since I done take photos of the usual weather but the one in London is an accurate picture of the usual weather. I would have taken a photo now but it's night so that wouldn't work. (Also the weather may have looked like that but it was unusually hot.)
I felt I should get all the skies out the way first so everything is more drawings than photos of the sky because I'm sure you are more interested in my drawings...