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                        Vanessa's Pov
There stood: Taylor Caniff,Cameron Dallas,Nash Grier,Matthew Espinosa,Shawn Mendes,Jack and Jack,Mohogany Lox,Carter Reynolds,And Jacob Whiteside.
Once Vanessa seen her 5 bullies she was in shocked and passed out.
                  At the Hospital
Vanessa finally wakes up and remember what just happened she looked around her room and seen everyone that was in magcon, Her heart meter started to beep really fast that the nurses had to run in.
                   Shawn's Pov
I couldn't help but realize that Vanessa looks very similar to Kate, That's when it all hit me Vanessa is Kate.
Then I run to tell Taylor,Nash,Cameron,and Matt that Vanessa is Kate.
                     Taylor's Pov
Once Shawn to us about Vanessa I was starting to cry because I ended my bullying ways and become a good person because of Kate uh...I mean Vanessa. I ran to Vanessa's room with the boys to say we are sorry about what happened when we were in high school. She said "It's ok I was so scared when I saw you guys but I forgive you." We all gave Vanessa a hug and we all went to IHOP for lunch.

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