Day 2 : Seeking Aya

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Another day another chance.

It was the second day of the ORSEM and again I was early, I waited and waited searching for the girl who stole my heart, but sadly, she was nowhere to be found.

"Great..... I met her and lost her in a day, nice going Isaac that was your only chance." , I said to myself.

As I walked slowly like a ghoul all around the campus I spotted two people.

Benny and Sher, student leaders, schoolmates, strangers, future classmates.

So I decided to break the ice.

"Hi! Can I sit with you here?" They were witting on a bench made for 4 at the field and I wanted to sit down badly.

"Sure!" Benny replied.

So I waited and waited, luckily Slade arrived, he too was a student leader and were friends with Sher and Benny.

Another person arrived, Kane, a former clubmate and a casual friend.

Until finally our small group of 4, became our whole class and also their own classmates old and new.

But even if I was a lot of people, I felt alone, I didn't know why but without her, I felt alone and small.....

"Why did I feel this way?" I thought to myself.

"Kriiiing Kringgg!"

The program for us STEM students was about to start.

So, half-heartedly I followed that small group inside the covered courts and we filled up almost an entire wing of seats.

It was great, the hosts were funny and the activities were fun, even the part when they forced us to dance was funny because some of my friends went all in and even joined the hosts, oh how I wish I had that level of confidence but sadly I did not.

However even with all this happiness and excitement there was something missing.

"Where was she?" I asked myself.

If you think it was easy let me correct you right now.

There were approximately 800 STEM students cramped in that tiny covered courts.

All of us were to wear blue.

And I did not know what she would wear, because even if I spent the whole night searching for and finding for a girl from Arrowville on social media named Aya, I did not find her.

So I almost gave up hope.

"Let us all now rise for the prayer before meals" the host announced.

Whoa, it was still 10:00 and they were already dismissing us.

I stood up, and then there it was. Her mischievous but beautiful smile. I recognized her from a mile away and quite literally on the other side of the covered court.

So as always, I slipped away from my "group" as they don't notice my disappearances and I slowly fought my way through a sea of schoolmates to get to her.

Luckily she stayed put, so I didn't have to be in that awkward situation where she would see me chasing her, I wouldn't have had an explanation for that.

"Hi?!" I said awkwardly.

"Oh Hi!" she replied, with a look of shock and then a smile.

"I was looking for you, you know"

"Huh? Why?" she asked.

"Because I like you" would have been my real answer, but I decided not to to do that.

"Because it would be rude to just make a friend and just leave."

"Hmmm?" She looked at me as if she knew I was not telling the truth, a look I usually use  especially with "those" people.

"Really" I replied. "I know its quite early, but how about let's take our lunch?"

"Our" whooo big word.

"Sure" she replied.

"Ok let's see what happens in the afternoon then."

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