Chapter 34

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Lilly's POV

I didn't know what to do. It was either we jumped off the cliff and died or we stood there and died from the rageing fire. That was how it was going to end I thought.

"Lilly!" Emma screamed as the fire grew to 5 feet away from us. In 2 minutes we would be dead. No doubt about it. I could see the terror in Emma's eyes.

All hope was lost for us.

"Emma take my hand."


"Just take my hand."

She then took my hand slowly. Her hands were shaking from fear and her eyes filled with tears.

"Is this the end?" She asked as a tear slipped from her eye rolling down her cheek.

"I wish it wasn't."

We both looked at each other again. That we thought was the last time we would get to see each other. We decided we'd rather drown than be burned to death. So there we were. For me it was the second time. Standing at the edge of the huge cliff. Gazing out upon the navy blue waters and rugged pointy cliffs.

"Emma I just wanted you to know... You'll always be my best friend in the entire world! And all of this was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I hope heaven will be better."

With my last words we both counted down together as the fire was then only a foot away.




Then we jumped. It was like free falling. The wind in my face blowing my hair back. It made me think of all the happy times in my life I was going to miss.

Seeing my brother for the first time at the hospital. My fifth birthday party with balloons, cake, and a princess. My first day of kindergarten. My first kiss. Then shortly after my first heart break. Graduating high school. Going to college. And meeting Harry...

My life couldn't end here I thought. I realized I wanted to live. I didn't want to die then. But the ocean was hurtling closer and closer.

Until I saw a faint blue ship headed our direction. It was medium size with a symbol printed on the side of it. I couldn't make it out but it was some sort of group or organization. I flailed my arms trying to get its attention. Emma did the same. We both yelped and cried out to the ship. Only for the ship to blaze on forward towards us. It was going incredibly fast for a boat. But I didn't care I just wanted to be saved.

Then it happened. We plunged into the icy waters. It was colder than I could have ever imagined! With the waters at nearly -5 ° F. I was shivering beyond belief. As we arose from the water the ship was right above us. There was a rope ladder attached to the side. We both a quickly climbed up while trying to absorb the heat from the fire.

As we got on board I wanted to get right off. All there was were angry men looking at us. All around. I remember feeling there stares piercing through my skin. Everything went silent once Emma got on the boat. I heard her say in her head,"we're dead." And she was right, we were.

Harry's POV


"You don't speak to the servants!! Now go!"

"No! I know her! Eleanor please! Louis misses you! You need to come back with us!"


At his words Eleanor quickly put my hands behind my back and cuffed me! I was shocked at the time. Eleanor was completely different now. I didn't like the new her.

She walked me out of the doors and down a narrow hallway.

" Eleanor what is up with you?!?"

"Harry, you have to understand your kind is killing humanity! I'm glad I got away from Louis when I did!"

"Wait. You left him because you found out he was a vampire?!?! He thinks you dead right now or you left him! Do you understand what you've put him through!"

"You probably don't know what he made me go through! All the lies he said and secret meetings. All because he was a blood sucker. And he deserves it!"

Okay maybe I should give you a little background about Eleanor. When she dated Louis it was magic. They were madly in Love with each other. Louis even imprinted on her. Then one night she vanished. Out of nowhere in the middle of the night. Louis searched for days and gave up. Even since then he's never talked about her.

"We'll have fun with Eric. Hope everything works out."

"Well I hope you feel good now. Louis been devastated ever since you left. I hope you are happy."

As I turned to enter the door Eleanor grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face her.

" Tell Louis I still love him. It's just... Complicated."


Okay the new vote goal is 200! And the next update goal is going to be around Saturday or Sunday. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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