tile 2

13 1 0

"Nobody move" says lord nut
"Lol I'm the only one in here" says sista jemima, walking closer to lord nut.
"Don't come any closer, whore. I'm pure af lol"
"Naw papa come rub my dick" says the naughty sista jemima.
"Ok lol" lord nut goes and sucks up on her fupa, collecting her cock juices. But just then, lynchables busts through the door with a hairy boy. Lynchables just looks at them awkwardly while the bou says HACKED BY YA BOY. Lol so he wiped out his lil wee cock and everyone snickered at the lil depressed boi and watched him cut and kill himself lol ok he gone. Lynchables grabs out several nooses and hangs Lord nut and sista jemima but sue forgot that lord nut is a lord so he just didn't die and spun around on the ceiling fan while sista jemima remained dead. So lynchables just left.

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