Weeping willow

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Once upon a time there was a princess who loved dancing.
Her father and her mother loved watching her dance underneath the weeping willow.
Every full moon the little faries in the lake danced with her and they sang a song about the happy princess.
But her mother the queen became very sick and only had a short time to live. The faries tried to help her but it was to late, the queen was too sick.
The prinsess could see her one last time and the queen said to her, "little princess never stop dancing, then I will be closest to you and that way you will never forget me. I love you so much my dearest" and that were her last words.
Her father became very sad because he missed his queen so much he became angry that she left him. He became crazy. And wanted to erase all of her existence and forbid the princess of to dance. Years went by and the royal house was as sad and quiet as the weeping willow. As were the depressing faries who had not danced in years they were sad because the king blamed especially them for the death of his wife. Because they could not save her.
The princess wasn't that happy princess anymore she really became a women over the years.
She was now a calm and responsible princess. Her father who was still mourning about his lost wife. He Made the decision that he was getting to old for the crown and said to the Princess that she needed to get married so they could take over his place on the trone.
A month later there was a ball for the princess to find her prince.
There came princes from all over the realm it wasn't every day that the princess wanted to find a prince.
It was a borring ball nobody was dancing they just stood there almost frozen.
The princess thought back to her first ball, it was a wonderfull ball everyone was happy and dancing there even were faries.
On that moment a prince tapped on her shoulder and said "would you like to have this dance with me" and she replied nobody is dancing this isn't even dance music.
"Not here" lets go somewere secret somewere away from reality,
He took her hand and they left not caring what others would think.
The sky was pitch black she had no idea where they uwere going but he seemed to know to way like his own home.
When they stopped did the princess see a bright light it was the moon and all the stars appeard in the sky it wasn't dark anymore she could finally see her surrounding and looked up the were standing underneath the weeping willow and fireflies were dancing around her. The prince kneeled and asked her "would you like to have this dance with me"
They didn't need music they listened to the wind going through the trees leaves and the floating water in the lake. She took his hand and they started to dance they were starting to hear birds and the were starting to see little bright lights she started to see her mother she was looking at her she looked so proud so happy. She asked to the prince "how"?
And he replied "as a kid i would always loved to come here soo quiet and peaceful and when i had a bad day i always came here and i felt better you looked like you could use some magic". One last dance and then i will be yours for ever one last dance and then I'm sure i found my prince charming.
They danced for hours and at the end of the night they returned to the ball.
A week later they got married underneath the weeping willow next to the farrie lake and then the princess realized it.
She had found her prince charming, she had found her happy ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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