Story Time

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Hermione's POV

We cowered back as Nico seethed. He grabbed the book from Harry's hands and threw it across the room making me flinch. That book was old, but in good condition and judging by the sound it made it wasn't in one piece anymore.

"Nico we're sorry. We were just curious." I said as I felt tears start to fall down my face. I realized in that moment, that Nico di Angelo could easily kill me.

"You were curious? You were oh well that makes all the difference. Please accept my apology for not understanding that you were curious!" Nico yelled, shaking with rage.

"Nico calm down." Harry begged, but it only seemed to make Nico even more mad.

"Nico!" A new voice interrupted Nico before he could yell at us some more. I watched as Nico's face visibly softened.

"Mady." He said quietly turning in the direction of the voice. There in what seemed like a holographic image was a girl with blonde hair and stormy grey eyes. 

"What are you doing?" She asked frowning and looking at our cowering figures.

"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm gonna kill these idiots." Nico said venomously.

"Why?" The girl asked this as if she were asking someone to pass the salt.

"They... they did something Madds." Nico said sounding, so sad that I almost forgot my fear. How could someone sound that sad and lonely and be so scary?
"What did they do Nico?" The girl Mady asked gently.

"They found out stuff... about my past." 

The girls eyes filled with tears. "Nico I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. It's there's." Nico said jerking his head in our direction. Mady's expression turned cold and her eyes flitted across our faces.

"Whatever you want to do to them I won't stop you." She said in harsh voice. She wouldn't really let him kill us would she?

"What?!" Ron screamed.

"I can't kill them Mady we both know that." Nico said ignoring Ron.

"Oh I know I just wanted to see the terrified looks on their faces. Serves them right for doing what they did." She huffed.

I saw something that I had never seen before and had never thought I would. Nico freaking di Angelo smiled. It quickly faded away though, but it had been there.

"Mady?" Nico asked suddenly nervous.


"Could you come down here?" Nico asked.

Mady smiled from ear to ear and her stormy grey eyes seem to become a pretty light grey.

"I'll ask." She said happily. "I need to go though. I have to go to my classes. I'll see ya soon Nico." With that she ran her hand through the shimmering image and disappeared.

We sat in silence as Nico starred a the spot Mady had been at. He looked a bit more worn and sad. He looked towards us and what I saw must have been my imagination. There was no way Nico had smiled earlier. He was to sad.

"So what you wanna know?" Nico asked as he sat in one of the comfy chairs.

"What?" I asked.

"What you wanna know about me?" He asked. I could see he was reluctant to tell us, but he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Everything." Harry blurted out.

NIco gave a dark chuckle. "Got a blankie because you might need it." He said before starting.

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