Hey hey hey everyone, this is Mystry here and this is my first Creepypastas X Reader story, well on Wattpad at least..., anyway I hope you like this and if anyone has I dead then PLS sent them to me because I know after a bit ill move on or get wri...
I sat my food trey down at an empty circle table and sat down and started eating. Someone sat down by me "hey, you new right?" Asked the unfamiliar voice, I nodded then turned to see a dude with a light blue button up shirt, jeans, brown hair and (idk) eyes "uh hi I-I'm (y-y/n)" you smiled at him and he smiled back. Someone else sat down on the other side of me, it was Jane "h-hi Jane", "hey (y/n)" she replied.
*time skip brought to you buy my lack of knowing how to conversate*
Both Jane and I had Gym next, when we got there we got on our gym uniforms, the shirts were a bit tight and the shorts, they were more like under ware made of jeans, I tried pulling at them a bit but it didn't help. I heard Jane laugh "I know, but you'll get used to it" she told me so I gave up trying to fix my shorts and we walked out into the gym. When I saw the gym teachers I just guessed that all the teachers looked alike, well except this one had grey hair, and I must point out that he looked like a perve with that smirk on his face "what's his name?" I asked slightly annoyed by the outfits. Jane was about to awnser until someone else did for her "oh that's Offendy, short for Offenderman, and if he offers you a rose, don't take it, anyway I'm Liu" he stated. Something seemed familiar about everyone, but I couldn't put my finger on it, I shrugged it of and looked at Liu, he had brown hair, a grey and black striped scarf, green eyes, black sweatshirt, and jeans, and he's the second person here I've seen that doesn't have pale skin, FINALLY. Then Offendy spoke up "class, since it's the first day I want everyone to run 10 laps around the gym after you streach of course" a smirk appeared across his face as he said that "then after that I'll let you socalize of whatever, and Ben, no games" he was looking directly at Ben which made you and some others laugh. "Oh come on" Ben whined but Offenddy didn't change his mind and wasn't going to. Offendy them looked directly at you and walked over "I see we have a new student, what's your name sweetheart" he asked, did he just call me sweetheart? "I-I'm (y/n), and would y-you please get out o-of my face" you twitched a bit because he annoyed you. He backed his face away a bit before saying "feisty eh?", you twitched again even more annoyed now and he finally left. "Tics?" Asked someone and you saw a boy with brown hair, hazel eyes, in the gym uniform "hi I-I'm Toby" he said so you replied "I'm (y-y/n), and yea I twitch when I get, well annoyed in this case" you told him and he smiled so you did as well "uhh, Offendy's such a perve" complained Jane. "Talkin bout me?" Asked Ben as he walked over with a smirk, Jane laughed "you wished".
*after gym*
"Ring ring"
Next I had art, when I got there I saw the guy from lunch, hm, I never got his name, I walked over to the table he was at and sat down, he smiled at me and of course I smiled back "hey what's up (y/n)?", "well the roof, and the sky, and-" he cut you off and laughed "very funny I get it", "hey I never got your name", "oh uh sorry, call me (idk what his name is)", "oh ok" you said with a smile before the teachers walked in who also looked like the other teachers.
(Here I just got a pic, I'm tired of explaining)(btw that's not exactly what they look like but it's close enough)
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(Sorry the pics so small XD)(anyway back to the story)
"Hello class, for you who don't know I'm Trendy, today we are going to paint yourselves, and i don't mean literally, I mean paint what you think your like, paint your soul. Alright get your supplies and you have a week till I check it". You got out the supplies you needed and started it with a pencil drawing and would paint it later, it's what you always did.
*le time skip*
"Ring Ring"
Finally, you thought then waved (idk his name) by. You ran out and unocked your bike before getting onto it and rides home.