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Chapter Three

Frederick's POV

"And this, is why I didn't wanna come here." I muttered in Korean.

"Stop being racist, fat ass." Tyler said in Korean. And he calls me a racist.....

"We both know you never apologize. So why are you even here?"

"Came to say hi to this long lost friend of mine."

Cue to lame horrible flashbacks! UGH

"Dear Frederick,
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this personally, but I have been using you. I used you to get nearTyler. I'm sorry. Hope we can still be friends.


"You and I both know I don't play fair."


"But she didn't love you enough to tell you the truth."

"You know what, since she loves you, I'm just gonna suck it up and let you have her. Break her and I kill you."

"We'll be in England if you need us!!"

With that, I stormed off.

"Where's Candice?" I asked. Tyler flinched.

"She..... I... Dumped her." Tyler tried but failed to play it cool.

"Who, exactly, dumped her?"

"She did."

Tyler's POV

"She did." I lied. God, if he we're to know what had really happened to her.......


"What are you talking about?"

"You spoke your mind "

"Okayy. Fine. I'll tell you. She told me to give you this before I explain." I said, handing Fred the paper. The 5 year old paper.

Frederick's POV

"Dear Freddie,

I'm sorry, I lied to you about the whole me liking Tyler thing. It was because I had cancer. There I said it. I had cancer. And I didn't know how you'd deal with it. I was gonna die in a week anyway. Tyler found out by accident and promised to act along with me. I still love you. I'm sorry.

Lots Of Love,


My heart broke. "Okay, basically, I was passing by her dormitory and saw that her face had gone ghostly white so I took her to the doctor. The doctor then said ' She has not long. She's losing her fight with cancer. ' When she found out that I knew, she asked me to act as if we're a couple. She pleaded me to not tell you so I didn't, and let you insult me. I tried with all my money to find ways to save her but it wasn't possible. I'm sorry. While in England she died, her last words were ' When he knows about this, pass the envelope and that box. ' That box is in my house. I'll pass it over later. Also, I didn't know Ms Richie was your sister. And I didn't think she'd be offended. I'm sorry."

"Sorry for everything I did to you. I was just sad. but now that I know the truth, please forgive me. Oh ya, about my sister, you crushed her. And she's pissed off. She's a stubborn brat to deal with with a big heart and with fighting skills of a puppy. So please, don't fight with her. I hate to take sides."



Heylo!!!! I feel so bad for not updating my other stories...... (Sorry That I Met You, Hogwarts Badass, We Are Who We Are etc) but I hope this makes up for it. So you people know about their past....... Guess what's coming up! I have no idea...... I write what my brain tells me to so yeah.....


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