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Gabby's Pov
"Yeah what is it Shawn?" I asked wondering if it's the same question I'm dying for him to ask me.

"I wondered if you wanted to go on date with me?" Shawn seemed a little nervous.

"Of course!" I got up and kissed his cheek and hugged him.

I'm so happy I wanted Shawn to ask me that for a while. Ahhhhh I'm so happy...

"How about 6:30?" Shawn suggested

"Sounds good!"

I got up from breakfast and went to my room. And Hunter was there on Twitter.

"Huntaaaaahhhhhh guess what???" I said all excited.


"Shawn asked me to go on a date with him!!!!"

"Oohh" of course Hunter wasn't really listening he was just scrolling through Twitter.

I laid down on my bed too. My back is hurting so I decided that I'm just gonna go on my phone. I was scrolling through Twitter and I saw a new tweet from @shawnmendes

@shawnmendes: @gabbyrowland can't wait for tonight 😜

I liked the tweet quickly before I tweeted

@gabbyrowland: tonight's gonna be fun 😊 @shawnmendes

Only a few seconds later Shawn liked the tweet which made me happy.

I was looking through the replies on shawns tweet. And saw.

@happymendes awe are you guys a thing because I totally ship you guys :)

@allirommins ew Shawn her why? What about me?

@gymnastgurl: awe y'all would be a cute couple 💜😍

@angiemendes y'all would be couple goals😊💕

Those made me happy :)

Sorry this is such a short chapter :(
Comment if I should go live tonight and react to your music.lys :)))) love you guys!! Comment vote and follow me :) I have a YouTube channel :) "it's jin" go subscribe please. Twitter: @jin_rowland :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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