Part 1

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    "Can you believe we are going to be juniors this year?" My best friend Olivia, hasn't stopped talking since they dismissed us from orientation. Which isn't a big surprise, she usually never stops. In our friendship I'm the quiet, nerdy girl that no one ever notices, that is until they find out that Olivia is my best friend. "Yeah, It's pretty crazy" I really couldn't believe that we were already so close to graduating high school then off to college. Olivia and I had the same plan and that was to get away as far as possible. We didn't live in the best part of town, but that wasn't the main reason we had to get away. Our families, well it was pretty bad. Olivia's dad had left her and her mom at the time she lived on the nice side of town, she had a big house, a family dog and money. Lots of it.

    When Olivia told me this in third grade, she said she couldn't remember exactly when it happened or why, all she could remember was her dad staying later and later at the office and her mom drinking more than her usual one glass after dinner glass of wine. When it got to the point that her parents couldn't have a conversation without yelling at each other, she knew it was over. One day, the movers came and her mother told her it was time to pack her bags. They pulled up to the new house and put everything in there. As the movers started putting the things in her room, she noticed there were missing. "Mom, where is my other night stand, my tall dresser and my doll house?" "Olivia, stop with the shouting, your room her is smaller so we couldn't bring everything. It's called downsizing." As time went on, her mom had to take her out of her private school and they had to sell her BMW and get a Toyota.

    We met on the first day of second grade, when Mrs.Carmicheal paired them up as coloring partners, and the rest is history. From that day on, we've been by each other sides.     "Hello, earth to Sophia!" "What? Sorry Liv, I was spaced out for minute. What's up? "Nothing really, I just wanted to get that ridiculous look of your face!" "Hey, asshole." "OMG, Saint Sophia has cussed, oh no we are all going to hell." With that she busted out laughing, so loud people started staring. "Lets go Liv". I grabbed her hand and we walked towards our houses. When we get to Adkins Lane, Olivia turned left and I went two streets up towards Laurel Drive. I look up at my house, from the outside it looks pretty normal but on the inside, its everything but that. "Mom, I'm home. I look around the living and I see my mom standing by the board. I knew she would be there, she always is.

    When I was nine, mom had surprised me with a trip to McDonalds, we didn't get to eat out much but when my mom had scraped enough money after the bills, she would do something for me. I was on the play ground waving at her from the top window when I heard it. "Thomas, come here honey the food is ready. The boy was about 4 years old, they way my mom's eyes got so big when she heard that name. I hurried and slid down and ran to my mom. I grabbed her hands and prayed that she would look at me. Whenever she got the look, I could usually distract her. This has never happened, she usually saw twins and it hurt her but never had we actually been around someone named Thomas. "Mom, please just look at me" "Sophia, oh Sophie it is you" She hugged me tight and I thought it was over, she then looked at me with her big blue eyes and said," did you hear that honey. Thomas is over there." "No, mom that's not our Thomas, look that boy is too young to be him.: She finally looked and realized it wasn't him. We got into the car and left. I was born a twin, my brother Thomas passed away a few minutes of being born. My mom was always sad about losing a child, but on that day she decided there was no way he could've died, that he was taken from her and she was going to get him back. That was the day she became obsessed with Finding Thomas.

    "Mom, Im home." She turns around, looks at me and go back to the board. Every time i see her, I'm always reminded of the beautiful woman from my childhood. I remember her long blond hair, her tan skin and the most gorgeous blue eyes but after that day it was like all the color left from her. I went to the kitchen and made my mom and I a sandwich, as I sat there i told her about orientation and the classes I would take next year. "Mr. Carroll said I would be in 3 honors classes next year, can you believe that?" Of course she doesn't answer, she never does. "I'm going to take a shower and get ready for bed. Night mom." I went and took a long shower and went into my room. I t wasn't bog or anything but it was my space so I made the best out of it. I laid on the bed to read the Great Gatsby for English class, finally around 10:30 I finished the book and went to bed.

    "Sophia wake up! I found him!" " Mom, what the hell, its three o'clock and I have to be at work at seven!""Did you not here me, I found him." "Who did you find?" If looks could kill, I would be a goner. "Thomas, you idiot. I found Thomas" Right then and there, I lost it. I don't know if it was from the stress of knowing school started soon , or if I was just fed up with my mom's shit, but I went off. "Mom, have you lost your mind? You didn't find Thomas, I could see she wanted to interrupt me but I didn't give her the chance. You couldn't have found Thomas, because he's dead mom! Ok? Thomas is dead, he's been dead since the day we were born. He wasn't taken, he just died. So give it up already! No get out of my room, I have to go to bed." I slammed the door and turned off my light and closed my eyes, I couldn't deal with this any longer. At least that's what I told myself as I went back to sleep.

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