Matsukawa Takahiro

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"Don't you think marriage systems are weird??" Matsukawa suddenly asked and Hanamaki looked up from his notebook

"..What do you mean?" He asked and set his mechanical pencil down,showing Matsukawa he had his full attention now

"I mean why does my wife have to take my last name?" Matsukawa replied and glanced at him "Like if we were in public,Someone might call us and we'd both go like 'yeah?!',don't you find it weird?" He explained and Hanamaki hummed in thought

"Well it's not all bad,I mean,If you take your last name and your Crush's first name and put 'em together,it might be a good name,Try it out." He said and opened a new page in his notebook and Slid it over to Matsukawa's side

Matsukawa unnoticeably tensed up and glanced at Hanamaki for a second before looking back down at the notebook and sighing

'..guess there's no turning back.' Was all Matsukawa thought before taking the pencil and writing down his last name first,Gradually getting slower on purpose

As if on cue,as soon as Matsukawa finished writing the final letter,the bell rung loudly,signaling students that it's time for lunch,he slammed the notebook shut and Got his stuff quickly and headed out,with a loud "Later makki!!"

Hanamaki only stared after telling him to wait up "...what's his problem..?" He thought to himself and collected his things and got up,Heading out and going to his locker,Setting his textbooks in,he saw the notebook was all that was left in his hand

' that I think about it,who DOES mattsun like..?' He thought to himself and Felt something tight form in his chest '...I swear to god if I turn out to be gay for mattsun,I don't think I can look at myself the same way-fuck takahiro calm down your exaggerating.' He thought trying to calm himself down

' that I think about it,Mattsun does have good characteristics for a Boyfriend or something.' He thought while walking,The notebook still in hand,he started listing down things About Matsukawa

'He shares his food with me.

He lets me copy his homework when I know I'm fucked.

I see him helping some girls now and then,so gentlemen like I guess?

He's the only one who puts up with my shit happily

He sends back memes to me when I do it first

...Fuck what the hell am I thinking,I'm helplessly gay for mattsun.' He threw away all those thoughts with that single one

He found himself at the stairs to the roof,he sat at one of the steps and took a deep breath "mattsun,if you like some chick I don't know about,I'll stop sending you memes forever..." Was all he said before slowly opening his notebook and flipping through the pages gradually quickly

He stopped at the page he was working on in the previous class,the only thought he had was 'this is it.'

Grasping the end of the page and Lifting it to the other side in a flipping motion,He searched the page for a brief second before spotting a name with a hand writing very similar to Matsukawa's

Matsukawa Takahiro

Hanamaki felt like the knot In his chest grow loose until it was gone

And he just sat there staring at the notebook

-after school-

Matsukawa offered to lock the gym door and unlock it in the morning,Iwaizumi had his doubts but he remembered Matsukawa had his ways of handling things

Oikawa Volunteered that Hanamaki stays to help and naturally,the pinkish brunette agreed since he had a bone to pick with Matsukawa

So as they cleaned up,no eye contact was given by Matsukawa neither did any word come out,until

"...Matsukawa Takahiro?" Hanamaki started and looked at Matsukawa who was picking up 2 volleyballs,tensing up slightly upon hearing that "...I had no one else in mind."

"Im pretty sure you just like me." Hanamaki said as he tossed in the ball he was holding a moment ago into the basket,now that remark made Matsukawa entirely shut up.

Hanamaki groaned before deciding to go bold,He made Matsukawa stand up and he snatched the ball he was holding and threw it behind him (ironically it landed in the Basket)

"Hey you made a perfect shot--?!" Matsukawa was cut off by Hanamaki roughly pulling him forward from behind his head and into a kiss

It wasn't just a light kiss,but it was full on passionate,like all the Tamed love was poured into it,Matsukawa didn't move at first but slowly melted into it and finally kissed him back

Pulling away after what seemed like a long time,A smug smile was on Hanamaki's face as Matsukawa had a loving smile

"So,When exactly can I be Matsukawa Takahiro?"

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