Trouble In Paradise

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I just got to school and I did what I always do, go to my locker.  When I got there Irvin was waiting there for me, what a pleasant surprise.  "Hey babe" he greeted me with a kiss.  "hey why are you here?" was my reply.  "Ooh so I can't come and see my girlfriend at her locker, damn" he responded.  "I never said and you know it" I said to which he just laughed.  "Yeah I know anyway how has your morning been".  "It's been okay I was able to get out of the house before my parents woke up so that's great".  "Damn your parents need to chill why are they such bitches".  "Don't talk like that about my parents, I know that it's true, but you will not disrespect them, got it?"  "I'm not disrespecting them I'm telling you the cold hard truth".  "I don't give a fuck Irvin you aren't about to talk like that about them so you either change your tone or don't talk to me" after I said that I slammed my locker shut and walked away.  Throughout I was getting asked where Irvin was and why I wasn't with him and they just kept on asking and asking.  All the while I was thinking "how the fuck would I know I'm not his mother!"  My day got even worse when I saw Logan and Grace dry humping and eating each other's faces off, so being the bitch I am I went over and interrupted their little session.  "Hey guys how y'all doing?" I asked.  Grace was obviously the first one to reply, "What the hell Raven can't you see that we are making out!?" was her brilliant response.  "Okay one that wasn't my question and two you guys WERE eating each other's faces off" I smirked.  Then all of a sudden I feel strong arms wrapped around me and pick me up.  "Put me down Logan!"  To which he just laughed and put me down after about a minute more.  When I finally felt my feet touch the ground I saw that Grace was glaring daggers at me and trust me if looks could kill I'd be in hell.  "Hey Raven!" Logan finally greeted.  "Hey Logan so I see I saved you from getting your face eaten" I laughed out.  "Ha Ha very funny Raven" was his oh so brilliant reply.  "Logan leave that loser alone and let's go have a quickie!"  Ugh could that bitch not shut up. "What the hell did you just call her!?"  That was my cue to leave I so did not want to be there when all hell broke loose on her, but I should have stayed it would have been hilarious to see the reaction on her face when Logan lectured her about what she said about me.  I left and walked to lunch and along the way people started whispering things to each other and pointing at me, but I just ignored it because I wasn't in the mood for all their drama.  When I stepped into the cafeteria immediately my friend Lindsey and Rachel ran to me and tackled me asking me a whole bunch of questions that I didn't understand because they were talking way too fast and at the same time.  So I did what an normal person would do I told them to shut the heck up and go one at a time and what I heard ad me laughing so hard.  "Are you dating Logan!?" "Is it true you broke up with Irvin!?"  "Get some girl!"  I replied. "No I'm not dating Logan. No I didn't break up with Irvin. No I'm not getting anything."  Right when I finished I saw Irvin coming my way and boy did he look mad.  "Raven what the hell is wring with you!?" "What do you mean", was my reply.  "What I mean is that your cheating on me!" I'm guessing he saw my confused face because after he said that he said "I saw you, I saw you and Logan together he was twirling you and had you in his arms!"  It might have not been the best time but I still laughed.  It got him been more pissed and he got so mad he was red.  "First of all I'm NOT cheating on you and second of all don't come to me accusing me of shit without knowing the whole story!" Now that the laughter had gone down I was pissed, how could he accuse me of something like that!?  "Fine then what was happening!?"  "First hey was just saying hi and was trying to cheer me up because HE actually realized that I was sad and I was hurt, that's what was happening and guess what HE actually stands up for me!"  "What's happening here Raven" Logan said.  I explained everything that had happened to Logan and to say the least he was not amused.  "What's your deal with my girlfriend?!"  "I have no deal with Raven she's my friend and I really care about her and I actually pay attention to her and what she needs so yes I did do that, but that was because she looked sad so all I did was cheer her up."  "Irvin shut up and leave Logan alone because it's your fault that I was sad and It was your fault that I was hurt so don't go blaming things on him or making stuff up!"  "I didn't do anything! How the heck did I make you feel like that?!"  "So you don't remember what happened this morning just go away I don't wanna talk to you anymore!"  With that I walked away and out the cafeteria and was going to go into the bathroom when someone pulled me back when I looked at who it was I saw that it was Logan and behind him was Rachel and Lindsey.  That sight just made me breakdown right then and there, I'm glad my friends were there, but I knew that when I got home no one was going to be there for me I was going to be all alone to face my parents.  That just made me feel even worse.  My friends did what they could and hugged me.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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