Tag #20

41 7 22

Right so I was tagged by foolsforjaspar

1) Would you like Am or Fm?


2) If you had a chance for a "do over" in life, what would you do differently?

Honestly? I never would have quit painting.

3) What is your best childhood memory?

I never actually had any good, memorable ones.

4) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? 

I would go to Greece and Rome because I'm a bit of a history buff.

5) If you could only keep five possessions what would they be?

My laptop, its charger, my phone, its charger, and headphones.

6) What would you want your tombstone to say?

"Let the world honor you, my huntress. Live forever in the stars."


"A kind act can sometimes be as powerful as a sword."


"The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive."

(I want my organs to be donated tho)

7) If you won the lottery what would you do?

Well, I would firstly donate half of it to charity, then I would buy books. Lots and lot of books.

8) How do you spend your free time?


(I also read a lot though)

9)Who do you admire most in your life?

  Misty Danielle Copeland 

10) What are you three favorite books?

(I'm doing series)

Percy Jackson, The Mortal Instruments, and The Lunar Chronicles

11) What are most afraid of?

Being left alone to my thoughts. 

(there is a reason I always have music playing)

12) What's your most embarrassing moment?

Well, its second-hand embarrassment but it was pretty bad.

So in our school play a few years ago, we did The Pirate Show (it's not very popular, but it frantastic) and the whole play was basically about finding this diamond that the pigmies have. but the head pigmy forgot to bring it on stage, and there we were standing there for 20 minutes randomly saying stuff so it seems like that was supposed to happen, until someone from the crew brought it up on stage. (Oh my gods it was bad)

13) What age would you like to stay for the rest of your life?

any age where I was really, truly happy.

Nice okay these are my questions

1) Who was your first internet friend and how did you meet?

2) Ever been caught reading smut?

3) Worst school subject?

4) Your height.

5) What phone do you have?

6) What do you want to be when you grow up?

7) Do you have a safe space in your house or in your school? Where and what is it?

8) First fandom?

9) Favorite book?

10) Something that really annoys you?

11) Something, or someone that always makes you very happy?

12) Favorite meme?

13) Do you like Panic!? (I'm sorry if you don't we can't be friends)

 I tag






(Oli it's not letting me tag her. Someone tag her in please.)








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