Chapter Fourteen:

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When we returned to school on January fourth, the last thing I expected was posters for the Spring Masquerade, my school's version of Prom. The halls were littered with them. Even lockers were pasted over with the posters. I watched as several people either ripped the posters down or cut through them, cutting the seams around their lockers, regaining the ability to use them.

My locker was among them. I sighed, staring at one of many posters advertising the upcoming dance, noticing how expertly made it looked. Taking one arm out of its strap, I swing my backpack around my body, opening the front zipper, searching for a sharp pencil or a pen. After finding neither, I opted for a folded flash card, hoping the thickness of it would slice through the paper obscuring the ability to use my locker.

Surprisingly, it worked, cutting through the paper like a hot knife through butter. After a minute or two, I finally was able to open my locker. I tossed the flash card inside, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of my mind, reminding me that I would have to clean it up later.

"That was intuitive," came a voice from behind me.

I look over my shoulder, surprised to see Clarissa Sprag standing on the other side of the hallway. She smiled and waved, and I returned the gesture. Carefully, she picked her way over to me, dodging boys and girls and the occasional teacher. Finally next to me, she leaned against the locker next to me, holding her Government textbook to her chest like a shield.

I smiled at her and reached into my locker for my own textbook.

"How was your Christmas, Penny?" she asked.

I pull out my books, and close my locker with my shoulder. We start to walk—both of our classes are in the same direction. "I was amazing," I said. "I got some new clothes, a new pair of high top Vans—these actually—" I look down at my shoes and so does Clarissa, and I look up and resume talking. "I got a pillow from Tate's little sister and a walrus stuffed animal from Tate. I have to say it was the best Christmas I've had in forever."

"Walrus?" Clarissa asked.

I nod.

She chuckles.

"How was your Christmas?" I ask.

Clarissa adjusts her book against her chest, squeezing it tighter. "It was okay. I got a few new books, another case for my flute—my other case is totaled—and a sundress. It wasn't really much, but I got to see my aunts and uncles this year. We had Christmas dinner at our house. Yeesh." She shook her head and then chuckled.

"What kinds of books?" I ask.

Clarissa looks over at me. "Just some old novels from the second-hand shop in town. I got...umm...A Tale of two Cities, Dracula, Jane Eyre, and... Ugh. What was the last one?" She screwed up her face, trying to think of the last book in her list. By this time, we've made it to her classroom. Mr. Harrison is staring at Clarissa, his eyebrow so high, it's nearly hiding in his hairline. I glance at her and clear my throat, gesturing with my eyes to her classroom.

Embarrassed, Clarissa waves Bye rushes into her classroom. I shake my head and smile, walking to my own classroom.


Clarissa caught me at my locker before lunch.

Tate was standing behind me and when she made it to my side; she took a step back, her eyes wide. "Tate Langdon," she whispered. Tate and I share a look.

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