Night Owl

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Suppressing a yawn, you snuggled deeper into the mountain of pillows you had arranged for yourself on the sofa. Tucking a stray section of your (H/C) hair behind your ear, you turned the page of the book you had been absorbed in for the past four hours. You were so close to being done; Just seven more chapters and you could go to sleep. Most likely it would be close to 2 am by then, but the plot line of the novel was so worth it. You didn't want to go to sleep on a cliffhanger, as you had been telling yourself since the fifth chapter of the book.

In all honesty, you were surprised that Draco hadn't come down to get you by that time. He usually tries to pry you away from your book, albeit futilely, in order to get you to go to sleep.

"(Y/N).... Please come up and go to sleep..."

Speak of the devil. You dipped your head down, focusing harder on the words on the thin, coarse pages and less on your husband, who continued to call you from your bedroom.

Another minute passed before you heard feet over your head. Draco had gotten out of bed to try to force you to stop reading.

Pouting, you sunk down lower, curling yourself into a ball and continuing to read. Nothing and no one was going to stop you from finishing this book.


You could hear him coming down the stairs. You ignored the noise, bringing the book closer to your face, trying to block him from your field of vision when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Seriously, (Y/N). Go. To. Sleep."


You could sense that Draco was standing in the room, now. You continued to ignore him, not even bothering to glance up from your book.

You heard him sigh, then walk closer to the sofa you had all but buried yourself in.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Draco snatched the book from your hands, causing you to protest incoherently.

"No. You can finish it in the morning."

"But Draco..."

You pouted, staring up at him. He hesitated, then shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"No. You need to sleep. It's already almost one o'clock. Finish in the morning."

"But I work in the morning..."

"All the more reason to sleep."

You frowned, then crossed your arms, refusing to get up.

"(Y/N)... Why must you always make this difficult?"

Draco set your book down on the coffee table, and without warning, picked you up bridal style. (AN: When I had to look that up to make sure I got the term right. XD It's either known as bridal or princess style, so whatever.)

"D-Draco! Put me down!"

"Nope. I told you you shouldn't be difficult."

"That doesn't mean you have to carry me! I can walk myself."

"But the question is if you would actually go upstairs or not."


Draco smirked, then carried you up the stairs and into your bedroom, dropping you onto the bed without warning.


"Still your fault."

"...I hate you."

Draco rolled his eyes, then ruffled your hair.

"You know you don't."

AN: IT'S REALLY SHORT, AND I'M SORRY! T^T I'm struggling to come up with enough material from the blurbs (Totally not Cathryn's fault! I don't mean to say it is!), so a good number of these might be really short! Most will be better than this, though! (And I don't care if they're short; I still want to write them!) Anyway... Until next time! Doumo arigatou gozaimasu!!! Sayonara! (Translation: Thank you very much! Goodbye!)

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