Lost in Translation

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AN: Yay! I finally buckled down and finished up a draft of another one-shot I had started a few months ago. It's wonderful being on holiday break~!

Hope you enjoy!

(AN: Anything bold is in French. I don't speak French, so I don't want to attempt to use Google Translate and butcher the beautiful language.T^T Also, H/T is hair texture.)

You sat staring out the window as your classmates had animated conversations with each other in French. Your only friend at Beauxbatons had been placed on a different carriage because the one you were on was out of room, so you'd had no one to talk to since leaving the school.

One of the benefits of looking out the window, of course, was the fact that you were the first one to see Hogwarts out of everyone on your carriage. You stared silently at the large campus, over double the size of the Beauxbatons building. Albeit it was not as elegant as the Beauxbatons campus, there was something mystical, mysterious, and almost... beautiful about the expansive castle you and the others were steadily approaching. You couldn't help but wonder just how many secrets were inside that castle; How many hidden passages, how many concealed doorways, how many staircases lying out of view of those who didn't know their whereabouts.

The carriages landed one by one on the castle grounds, and you were the first one out of yours. You glanced around you, mesmerized by the colossal castle. In doing so, you didn't notice when you walked into the person in front of you, another Beauxbatons student. The girl turned around and gave you a nasty look as you apologized, then quietly ducked your head.

You filed into the Great Hall with the rest of the girls, trying desperately to find your friend. You were having no luck. Before you could ask anyone if they'd seen her, you were asked to sit down. Naturally, you were the last one to try to sit at the Ravenclaw tables with the other Beauxbatons students, and found yourself without a seat.

Panicking, you looked around, only to find most of the Beauxbatons girls were shifting, trying to occupy every last inch of space. The Ravenclaw girls just plain didn't notice you. The problem was, some of the Beauxbatons students were jealous of your magical talent, and a few had started spreading rumors about you. In a school full of girls, gossip spread like wildfire.

"Hey. You."

Even with your limited English vocabulary, you understood basic words like greetings. You turned around, sure the person speaking wasn't talking to you. However, you found that a blonde Hogwarts boy was staring at you, having cleared enough space for you to sit next to him. He gestured to the seat when you met his gaze. You walked over, bobbed a curtsy, then sat down.

"....(F/N, L/N). Beauxbatons. Fourth year."

"Draco Malfoy. Hogwarts. Also fourth year."

"House? (AN: Just pretend you didn't say it with a 'how' sound, but 'ho'.)

"Ho-? Oh. You mean-?"

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and – most particularly, — guests. I have great pleasure in...."

You frowned, confused by what Headmaster Dumbledore was saying. It all sounded like gibberish to you, who spoke very little English. You caught the beginning – Good evening, ladies and gentlemen – but you were lost from there.

"You want me to translate?"

You turned, stunned to find that Draco spoke French. Blinking rapidly, you nodded hesitantly. So he started to translate for you, not even more than a word behind Dumbledore. You were honestly surprised by his smooth and effortless French.

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