Oh it's Angelica again~
Angelica: can you play slender with me? i'm kinda scared to play by myself lol
Finland:sure~ I never played it but it be fine right
Angelica:so we look for page...there is 8 total
Finland:Okay....there one*click* Ahh the music got scarier!
Angelica:it happens when you pick up a page
Angelica:there a other!*click*
Finland:*covers ears* I don't like this game...
Angelica:your turn...
Finland:*turns and see slender man* Aaaaaaaagggghhhhhh!*holds on to Angelica*
Aqua:Poor Finland don't worry your not alone on scared of Slender man...Ask again if you like~! Bye*blow kiss*
Ask or Dare Finland~!
FantasyFinland is pretty bored now that everyone but him has something to do....what is he gonna do?