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Once upon a time, a human fell into the UNDERGROUND. Injured by its fall, it called out for help.

But nobody came.

The human was named [Y/N]. It was young, maybe around 13 years old. It wore a white sweater with two black, horizontal stripes. It had short [H/C] hair and [E/C] eyes.


You grunted and got up, grabbing a nearby stick. You walked to the huge doorway.

Your DETERMINATION, woke another human. Her name was Chara. The spirit rose from her grave below the golden flowers and approached you.

'Yes' Chara thought, smiling, 'they will do quite well'

Toriel came, and guided you through the ruins. You two stopped at a dummy. Toriel said to practice talking to it.

You entered the battle, Chara right beside them. Yout eyes widened, as you saw only three options. There was no mercy, only FIGHT, ACT and ITEM.

You chose ACT, with caused Chara to sigh. Maybe this wasn't the right human.

*You talk to the dummy, it doesn't seem much for a conversation. Toriel seems happy.

Toriel guided you through the rest of the ruins. And you encountered that first Froggit.

What will you do?

[Spare Froggit] or [Kill Froggit]

Brokentale [Choose your own Adventure]Where stories live. Discover now