~Chatper 7~

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Time Skip
Sting arrives at fairy tail.

Stings Pov
I walked up to fairy tails guild doors and opened them with one big push. As soon as I opened them everyone glared at me.
Why are you here sting we don't want any of your trouble erza said.
Erza it is a specific fairy I need to talk to about something very important. I said with a urgent sounding tone.
Who do you need to speak with?
Why do you want to talk to him?
I want to yell at him for abandoning something very close and important to him! I said a bit angry thinking of how upset y/n was.
Just as erza was about to say something else I saw Natsu fighting with gray.
What don't interrupt my fight with the Popsicle whoever you are.
That pushed me over the top so I walked over to him and punched him with more strength I've ever had and that strength came from y/n.
Who the hell did that. Natsu said as he peeled himself off the wall.
I did and you deserved it.
What did I do to you! He yelled
You abandoned a person you promised that you would protect and don't even have the guts to try and find them! I yell back at them as I remember what y/n told me and I started to get upset for her.
Who are you talking about I never abandoned anyone!
What are you serious you talk about family all the time and how you stay together and protect them but you couldn't even protect the must important one!
Sting who are you talking about!
Your sister Y/N Dragneel! I yelled at the top of my lungs as everyone around us kinda gasped.
How do you know about her. Natsu said as he was kneeling on the ground with his fist breaking the floor and his head held low.
Because she came to our Gould to join!
You have no business to loud me out sting! Said an angry Natsu.
Yes I do she is wonderful and she was crying her heart out that you left her and didn't keep your promise!
Natsu why did you leave her, I heard a surprised Lucy say in a low voice.
I left her because I didn't want to take care of her I wanted to live my life and I knew she was strong enough to survive!  Natsu yelled his explanation and I felt a very powerful serge of anger flow through my blood and I did what everyone wanted to do. I walked up to Natsu held my hand out to him and when he took it I punched him back into the wall.
I will be taking care of y/n now if you wanted to know but you probably didn't so I will be going to make sure she is okay. If you do want to see her one day Natsu I would change your view on her and even if you don't I'll always take care of her like I promised her because she means something to me. I said as I had tears fall out my eyes as I put every inch of my love for y/n into my words and left their guild.

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