Chapter 4

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Once we arrived home we hopped out and started walking to the elevator.
"I still can't believe your guys' fans can get 2 pictures on the internet, basically trending with in like 20 minutes!" I say as we all walk into the elevator.
"Believe it! Sometimes, it gets on there even faster." Grayson said .
We heard the ding indicating that the elevator was opening on our floor.
"So do you still wanna hang, or?" Ethan said as we stopped at his door.
"Yeah, just let me go grab my charger from my place real quick" I said while walking to my apartment door, getting the key out and entering.

Ethan's POV-
I unlocked the door to the apartment and Grayson and I entered.
"Bro I think I'm kind of into Arian?!" Grayson stated.
"Really?" I questioned. I kind of like Arian too, but Grayson hasn't been with a girl in a while, and I know he deserves one, besides I think he can get her before I could.
"Yeah dude, I think she might be into me a little too!" He said smiling while grabbing the controller to the Wii
"Yeah I could see you guys were hitting it off " I said while walking back to my room.
"Hey bro? Why you leaving I'm getting Wii ready for us ?'' Grayson said raising his voice so I could hear him.
"Ugh, okay gimme a sec" I said trying to sound happy.
"Alright dude." Grayson says back to me.

Arian's POV-
I got my charger and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look too good, but I really don't care.
I started heading back to the twins apartment and knocked.
"You can come in." I heard Grayson yell.
"Um okay, but what if I was some crazy fan who found your address? What would you do then." I asked playfully while sitting on the opposite end of the couch.
"Well then we're fucked." Grayson said smiling. I laughed too because I thought it was hilarious.
"Arian, are you gonna play with us?" I heard Ethan say as he came from around the corner.
"That depends, what are y'all playing?" I asked them both.
"Mario kart of course?" they both said in sync, laughing.
"Wow, you guys sure are twins haha, but yeah I'll play, cause I'll cream both of y'all no problem." I said sitting up straight reaching for a controller.
"Okay, you think so ?" Grayson said.
"Hell yeah." I stated.
"We'll just see about that, because I'm the king at this game." Ethan said while sitting in the middle of me and Grayson.
The game began and already, I knew I was in for some competition. They were both so good!
"Are you kidding me ?" I said trying to get out of 5th place while Ethan was in 1st and Grayson was a close 2nd.
"Oh, what happened to us getting creamed Ethan ?" Grayson asked Ethan with sarcasm in his voice.
"Gee Grayson I don't know? Cause the person who said that is in 5th while we're way ahead." Ethan said and they both started chuckling, then looked at me but soon hurried their eyes back to the screen.
"Haha very funny guys, but if it wasn't for that car I was stuck behind, I would've passed y'all long time ago!" I said not taking my eyes off the screen. We aged a few game,but those few games turned into about 2 and a half hours worth on games. Needless to say, Ethan won every single game except for one, which is the one Grayson won.
"Awh, you guys stink" I said while setting my controller on the table.
"Don't hate the player hate the game." Ethan said while tugging on the collar of his shirt.
"Alright, well I should get going because I have a meeting tomorrow." I say while standing up.
"Ooooh, bout what?" Grayson said while standing up with me.
"Talking about booking a recording studio for me to record my first single." I say walking around the table heading towards the door.
"Okay, well see ya later Ari" Ethan yelled while heading to his room.
"See ya Ethan" I yelled back to him. "See ya later Gray" I said waving bye to him and going towards my apartment .
"See ya Arian." Grayson said while closing his door.

Grayson's POV-
I don't know what it is about her. But I really like her! I thought to myself while closing the door. I feel like she likes me back, but sometimes i'm not too sure.
Oh well. It's 11 pm. I should probably go to bed.
I headed toward my room and got all comfy and bed and got on my phone, apparently I was on it for a while because I looked up at the time and it was 4:25 in the morning! Where the Hell did the time go?
I get up and walk to Ethan's room, normally he's still up, but he was knocked out!
I went back to my room and tried to go to sleep, but the last time I looked at my clock before actually falling asleep, it was 7:04 a.m.......

Okaay sorry for all these filler chapters, but it'll be more interesting next chapter!!

Neighbors // Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now