To Be Lonely

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Welcome to Chapter 3! I'm happy to see your dedication to this story! Also I'm trying to have an update schedule with this thing, so maybe tell me what would be good? I'd appreciate it; I'm terrible at making decisions.

By the way Jack lives in a townhouse, in this story, because I don't feel like we appreciate them enough. Townhouses need love too! The townhouse has two floors, for those who are curious and Jack is on the very end.

Now on to what you are actually here for!


Sean sighed and placed his head in his hands. His elbows rested on his recording desk. The silence that replaced his shouting seemed suffocating. He leaned back in his rolly chair and groaned, loudly, just so there would be some noise.

This silence mocked him. It reminded him that he had his girlfriend had broken up and she was definitely not coming back. There was no working out their problems this time.

In her wake, the silence settled.

And Sean couldn't stand it.

Finally, he opened a new tab on Google, deciding he was desperate to look up online solutions to break ups. Just for kicks; he didn't really need their advice. The top search result came up and he clicked it.

It was a list of different ways to cope. Now that he was actually on the site, he felt silly. He was a grown man, he could handle a break up on his own. (Shut it Sean and go with the plot) He wiped a hand over his face and began to scroll down. It wouldn't hurt to look, and it's not like anyone else would know.

There were ten listed items in total. None of them really caught his eye, since his problem was the silence and loneliness. But then he reached number 9 and saw,

"Get a Pet. Pet's are a great way to fill the quiet and, depending on what pet you get, can be the only companionship you'll need for a long time!"

This sounded far fetched to Sean, so he just sat there and stared dumbly at the screen, before he decided he needed to go to bed. It was late, and he was just tired. He needed his beauty sleep so that he'd have enough energy to shout and disturb his townhouse neighbors.

He shut off his computer, and didn't bother to change out of his clothes. Flopping on the bed, he closed his eyes and blocked out the suffocating silence.


The next morning, his mind drifted back to the list and number nine was still seated in his mind. Did he really want to commit to having a pet though? What if his pet was boring and quiet? He'd feel to bad to send it back.

Sean decided to think it over while he ate his morning cereal, because who had time to cook these days? Not him obviously.

He finished eating and threw his bowl in the sink, before walking back to his recording area so he could edit the video last night. Of course the game had been scary, because night was the perfect setting.

Looking back at his reactions made him laugh and he had to take a second to calm himself a few times.

He swiveled in his chair, feeling accomplished will the video uploaded behind him. With nothing to distract him he thought back to the list. AGAIN.

He leaned back with a loud sigh and decided to just go to the local pet store and browse. If he didn't see anything he liked then he would go back home and hopefully his brain would be appeased.

Sean got up grabbed his shoes, hoody, and keys before walking out the door.

While driving, he was able to appreciate the nice day. The sun was shining and people were walking on the sidewalks around him, going in and out of different stores. When the pet shop came into view he pulled over and did a pretty nice parallel park.

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