Fuck Rules

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It's the beginning of the school year and I'm finally a senior!
I can finally reach my dreams, when I turn 18 of course. Just three more months and I'm home free! I'll be able to make the decisions I want without no parents permission, I can finally do me for a change.

I know my dreams aren't really like everyone else's, but that's what makes me special. I always wanted to model, but that's not the weird part. I've always wanted to be someone's submissive. My parents are only holding me down, I will get out of here!

Well I can at least try ? I would need to find someway to move out. Some job to move out.

I drive to school and park my white buggy in the student parking lot. I grab all my shit for school and get out of my car, heading up the stairs and into the school. I walk to my locker when a dean so happens to tap my shoulder, I roll my eyes as I face them plastering the joker smile on my face.


"That's highly inappropriate Sky and you know it, there are penalties you'll have to pay after school with the rest of the delinquents.. Got it?", his breath reeks! Fuck and he's all up in my face too! Oh my gosh I want to throw myself down the stairs. it fucking stinks!

I quickly nod yes holding my breath as he writes me a detention slip. I snatch it slamming my locker heading to advisory wishing school was over already.

I slip into my seat waiting for the bell to ring anxiously so the day can be over with. My friend Amanda walks in and she takes a seat right next to me.

Amanda she's the type of friend that you can always depend on for homework, class work, and test! well... That's the only reason why I keep her around to be honest, She can be funny at times.

"Hey Sky!", she says while putting her long brown hair into a messy bun.

"Hi Amanda."

With just my luck the bell rings, I wave good bye to Amanda and quickly head to my English class. The whole period the teacher's words go in through one ear and out the next,This goes on in all my classes until school comes to a end. I head to room A-28 where detention is being held, I walk in and take a seat next to some girl. I take a quick look around noticing the dean isn't here. Woo! I turn to face the girl next to me.

"Hi I'm Sky."

"I'm Jess.", she says looking me up and down. I get kinda weirded out.

"You seem like a goodie two shoes, do everything your mommy and daddy tell you to hmm?", she says in a baby tone of voice and I roll my eyes.

"What ever.", I say turning away from her and she bursts out laughing.

"You take things to seriously! What are you here for?", she asks wiping a tear from her eye from laughing like a pig.

"My clothes... As for you?"

"Caught skipping class."

The dean comes in and counts heads, making sure everyone is here and he closes the door locking it and walks to his desk.

"I expect quiet. no texting, no talking, no giggling and no nonsense! You are all here for an hour, you don't want to obey rules well this is your punishment.


Detention is finally over and I drive to a café and order a simple coffee and take a seat when a man walks over to me.

"Mind if I take this seat?"

"Uh no.. I guess you can sit there.", I say a little confused on to why he wants to seat across from me.

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