Take the shot

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Hello all, I ask that you please read the author's note at the end of this story, I think it's important. Ok, enjoy.

Most people don't see me as the kind if person who's job is to kill people. I'm a private assassin and usually people like me don't cut it. 

My auburn hair almost covers my gray-green eyes. My skin is fair but my muscles could be a little better, oh well no one's perfect. However, it's not that, that makes me different. It's not my past, it's just as painful as everyone else's who goes into this business. No, the thing that makes me different is that I'm openly gay. 

Most people who meet me wouldn't know. Every person that I tell gives me the same reaction, "but, Matthew, gay people are so sweet and fashionable." No, that's a stereotype. I don't think it's  big deal, however you're not here to hear my endless ranting, you're here to hear a story. I won't hold you any longer, let us begin. . .

I sat on the roof of a hotel that I have long forgotten the name of, white feathery snowflakes falling from the heavens landed on my back and face. "Blasted weather," I muttered to myself, "it might just mess up this job." I checked my riffle, making sure the bullet was ready to do its job, like I was ready to do mine. 

My job at that time was to take out a man named Mason Edwards. He was the leader of The Ebony Phantoms, one of the most powerful and dangerous gangs in New York City. When I was given the assignment, I thought his name sounded familiar, but quickly put it out of my mind. He didn't matter, it was just another "simple" job. 

Shivering in the cold, I sat waiting for my target. I was crouched behind the cement wall, watching my breath spill out from my frozen lips. About an hour and a half passed before I finally saw Mason leave the bar he was drinking in. He wasn't drunk, you could tell by the way he walked. 

His blonde, almost white hair seemed to blend into the surrounding snow banks, however his blue eyes with violet tones provided a nice contrast. His skin was a pale honey color but was obstructed by a few scars, which really shouldn't be a surprise. 

I rested the riffle on the ledge of the building's wall. My eye went to the eye piece and I centered his head in the crosshairs. However, he did something rather unexpected. His blue eyes looked up to my position on the roof. A smirk crossed his face as he lit a cigarette. He then began to cross the street toward the hotel. My heart began to beat in an irregular pattern. 

I quickly threw my riffle to the side and pulled my Walther  P99 semi-automatic pistol from its holster. Pointing it to the copper colored metal door, I waited again, trying to look calm. I wish I could say it was silent, but car horns and engines, among other things were pounding in my ears. 

The door knob turned slowly and his well built body stepped through the door. I pulled my trigger sending a small bullet into his chest. He stumbled back, clutching his chest. "Damn." He coughed a little. "Your shots have gotten better, Matthew." He pulled my bullet out of his white dress shirt. By now, it didn't look like a bullet, it now looked like a little bronze accordion. I hate bullet proof vests.

"How the hell do you know my name?" I asked my gun still pointing at him. 

"I can't believe you forgot me. Damn, I guess the first guy you ever dated could be forgotten over years of killing people for money." Mason moved over to the cement wall and leaned against it, his eyes making contact with mine. His hand moved to his pocket and removed a pack of cigarettes along with a lighter. Mason opened the top of the pack and he removed one with his teeth. With a click, a small fame shot from the top of the black lighter. He took a deep breath, tilting his head back gently as he removed the cigarette from his rosy lips. 

"You?"I  asked, my finger loosening it grip on the trigger. Then memories came back. "That can't be, you were killed." Tears pressed on the back of my eyes. "I clearly remember someone stabbing you and..." I stopped. 

He unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt revealing a large scar on his lower abdomen. "Surprise." He smirked again and took another drag from his cigarette. 

I put my gun back in its holster and approached him, my blood boiling. Grabbing him by the collar, I pulled him to the ground. He chuckled and placed his hands above his head. I gritted my teeth together and once again took my pistol from my holster. The  barrel of the gun rested gently against his forehead and my body hovered above his. His face stayed the same, he had no reaction. 

"Do what you were sent to do." he said, his voice silky smooth and calm. "Take the shot."

My finger squeezed the trigger softly. Why was I hesitating? My eyes stared into his. Over the years, I had killed hundreds. Why was this so hard? Mason's smirk was still plastered on his face as he raise his hand to my gun. Two fingers pushed it aside and his other was placed on the back of my neck. I was surprised by two things, for one I let this happen. Two, I let him kiss me. 

His lips covered mine lightly, his hands traveling to my waist. I closed my eyes and I felt myself melt into his kiss. He pulled away and looked at me with his smoldering gaze. "Kill me if you need to." 

I  stood up and walked away with my back to him. "Just leave." 

So he did. My heart beat steadily again but it hurt. I didn't care. I packed up my gear, walked out and went back to my apartment. 

I slipped my hands into my back pockets as I walked over to my couch. When I did, I felt something at the fingertips of my right hand. I pulled it out and opened the small note with two words written on it along with ten numbers. 

"Call me. 610-555-0980" 

"Yeah right. I'm not that needy. Never, Not happening. Dammit." I reached for my phone and dialed the number. 

All right everyone. Here's the update. If you want me to continue it please let me know. I need to know what you guys want I am also taking requests. I hope you liked it and I just wanted to say that if anyone reading this is gay, bi, lesbian, trans or questioning, just know that you are some of the strongest people on the planet. That's why I wrote this, I want to help when it comes to stereotypes. I know it takes a lot of courage and strength to stand up for what you are. Please be proud of yourself, be strong and just know that you are not alone. Okay everyone that's it. Please share this with people and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. Alright I'm out and until next time, fair winds.

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