The Beginning Of Time

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I honestly have no clue what to write here so I'm going to write and say this is a true story I just changed the names to make it a fan fiction and I changed it a bit more like when one direction is but the actual like love story is true just names changed. <3

Marie's POV

11 years ago

"Mommy I don't know these people I don't want to go over there" I said as the shy little girl I was. "it's fine hunny" my mother Diane said trying to reassure me. As we slowly walk down the street where the new people lived. About a week ago I say young children about my age playing there so my mom though we would go meet them. My mom knocked on the door and we heard foot steps and kids laughing which made me feel a little better.

"Hello" a sweet looking women answered the door. "oh hello I'm Diane and this is my daughter Marie we live down the street and noticed you have moved in" my mom replied, the women gave us a sweet smile "oh that's great I'm Ann" she said, she then turned to the long hall and shouted "Harry! Gemma" she yelled. I remember hearing the foot steps and two kids show, one with dark brown hair that was sleeked down and kind of forward he was the boy Harry I guessed. And the other with very pretty blonde hair I guessed Gemma.

"Harry, Gemma this is Marie" Anne said motioning to me. "come and play would you like some tea Diane?" Ann asked my mom, my mother nodded her head and we went into the house. and that was out first play date that we ever had. After that we had play dates more and more. They became family to me Gemma was like a sister to me we did every thing together and Harry was my brother who got on our nerves and drove us crazy but we still loved him.

7 Years later.

Gemma and I where off to Zoo lights with my dad, my mom no longer came with us any where when my dad was around. We invited Harry but of course he was busy doing something either doing sports or hanging out for friends. I missed his annoying ness. Me and Gemma where in the car listening to Justin Bieber our new obsession. Singing along to baby and laughing about the comments that my dad made about how just saying 'baby baby baby oh' was not not talent but we believed it was. Me and Harry where no longer close together, but I know if I needed him he would be at my side in a second. Some times I missed him but I knew we could hang out soon. Me and Gemma would good off together all the time still and she still went every where together. We where attached at our hip. Our parents always called us sister that god split up. I kinda wish he didn't though. As we arrived at zoo lights me and Gemma got more and more excited and happy, we raced out side in to the cold crisp air of winter. Putting out gloves on we raced and grabbed out tickets and went through the zoo doors to open up to twinkling lights and beautiful colorful lights. All we did was stand there and look at our surroundings it was gorgeous at that moment we where so happy, Life was perfect but little did we know that once I turned 12 that would end. Happiness would end and life would no longer be perfect instead we grow up from childhood and change, That's where our story begings....

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