Chapter 7-Marcus Part Three

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Chase's POV
We got home from school and something didn't feel right. Y/N wasn't in any of her classes and we have all of the same classes together. I told Mr. Davenport and he didn't seem to care so I told my brothers and sister and we had to think of where she would be. Then I remembered her warning. I decided to call her cell and there was no answer. I called four more times than finally I got an answer. "Hello?!" The voice said it sounded like...MARCUS! "Hi Marcus!" "Ahh Chase I knew u would call at some point!" "Where is Y/N?" "Here at the school. If u want her come get her!" He hung up the phone and I turned to Leo. "Leo go get Adam and Bree and tell them to get in their mission suits. We need to meet at the school!" "Ok Chase!" Leo left and came back with Adam and Bree. I explained everything and we got into our mission suits. We left and went to the school. We heard Marcus shout, "Fill up the elevator with water they r coming!" We walked in to see human Marcus. He's not an android like the other Marcus was. Y/N gave us that information!
Bree's POV
"Marcus what have u done to Y/N?" "I have locked her in the elevator and I'm going to drown her! U can't see it but she's in there tied up and gagged!" "No
I'm not! I used my temperature adjustment ability to burn the ropes. I also pulled the gag out! Then I melted your chair for something to do! Also did u know that I have elemental abilities so I can breathe and talk underwater?" "No I didn't know that. But I know U can't breathe without replenishing oxygen! So MEN CLOS THE HATCH ON THE TOP OF THE ELEVATOR! LOCK IT GOOD!" The men did what Marcus said and I heard Y/N scream for help! She gasped for breathe and I guess she held her breathe. She can hold her breathe for a long period of time. Chase looked at me and Adam,"Go and find a way to get her out of there I'll take down Marcus!" "Chase u can't do it on your own!" I said, "U need someone stronger and angrier!" "I'm not bringing him out I don't need like him." "Chase your girlfriend is about to die!" I yelled at him and once he heard girlfriend and the word die he became Spike! While Spike was fighting Marcus Adam and I took down Marcus's henchmen. Then we tried to help y/n. "Y/n what do want us to do?" "Do u think we could flood the school?" "Yes y?" "That's what u r going to have to do. Marcus broke a cable and pulled me in between floors. Then he retied it. Adam is going to have to untie the cable and pull me... u-up!" She gasped to hold her breathe again but I knew we were running out of time. Once she let go she started talking again! "U guys gotta hurry the water is almost out of oxygen." Chase came back to normal. She gasped for air one last time and Adam had finally pulled up the elevator! The elevator door opened on the second floor. Chase ran upstairs with me following. He saw Y/N fall and caught her. He held onto her and started CPR. I called Mr. Davenport for help while Adam was downstairs doing whatever he was doing. Mr. Davenport showed up and we went home from there. This night has been crazy and we hope y/n will be alright.

A/n-Hey guys sorry I have not written for so long. Been busy and kinda forgot. This chapter is very long but it's done and over with. There will be more added to this story don't worry! I will do my best to update more often! U guys r awesome.

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