chapter 1

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Hey guys so for the povs it's either gonna be Stefan Damon or Klaus I don't know if im gonna do a Maddy pov since she's only 4

Stefans pov

I was walking around the house with maddy on my hip looking for her pacifier she started getting fussy and the last thing I want is for her to cry I found her pacifier and gave it to her I walked into the living room and put her in her playpen Bonnie put a spell on it so she cant get out of it because when she gets older she gets stronger Damon walked in and said "ahh stefan hows it going" I rolled my eyes he went to maddy and started making funny faces at her she wanted to be picked up but Damon didn't do it she trembled her lip before I could get to her she started crying me and Damon covered our ears I yelled at Damon "God dammit pick her up Damon" he picked her up and craddled her she stopped crying she started to giggle and she pinched Damon's nose he smiled and let her do it Elena walked in she never liked Maddy for some reason and maddie never liked her she said to me and Damon "hey you guys wanna go to the grill with me" Damon shrugged and said "sure but what do we do with maddy I'm not leaving her by herself" Elena rolled her eyes and said "shes a witch she can take care of herself" Damon growled Elena walked up to him and said "sorry I didn't mean to say that can I hold her" Damon wasent sure if he should do it he gave her maddy. Maddy squrmed around she didn't like Elena she started getting fussy I tried to get her back from Elena but Elena move I said "give her back elena" Elena eyes turned dark and said "no I think I'll keep her" Damon and I looked at each other then it hit me how could we be so stupid "Katharine" I said she smiled and said "took you long enough" maddy looked like she was gonna cry instead she looked at Katharine and screamed Katharine was thrown acoss the room she let go of maddie I caught maddy Damon zoomed over to Katharine and grabbed her and threw her out of the house I started cradling maddy i said "shhhhhhh it's gonna be ok" maddy eventually fell asleep I put her in her crib I sighed what a long day

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