The Second Lie

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I woke up alone, as I did many nights. I forced myself out of bed. My area was hurting so bad so I did a shuffled walk.

"We meet again" Ethan laughed coming out of he's room as I attempted to walk down the stairs

"Indeed" I responded

"Need some help there" Ethan asked noticing my limp

"Yeah" I sighed. Ethan picked me up and carried me into he's room

"Not again" he said turning me around to face a mirror

"What?" I said glancing at him in the mirror. He pointed at the ring around my neck,My bruises on my arm,and my bloodshot eyes.

"lift it up" he said tugging at my shirt, I did as told Ethan's eyes went wide as he saw stared at my bruises,hickeys,dried blood patches,and scratches

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt" I said pulling down my shirt and lifting up he's chin

"Why do you defend him?" Ethan asked me

"You know why, you're just as bad as he is" I argued

"oh really?" He questioned

"Meredith told me you tried to kill her" I said Meredith had told me this

"Lies" Ethan said

"look if you wanna get beat every other day be my fucking guest, but don't ever try to tell me something I've done or haven't done" he said stepping closer to me

"I'm sorry please don't hit me" I said stepping back

"I-" Ethan stumbled on he's words

"I'm sorry" he said

"It's okay, I'm gonna go shower" I said leaving the room.

I showered and brushed my teeth. I changed into denim shorts and a v neck t-shirt. I tried to stay off of social media because the things the twins fans say to me are terrible. I just couldn't resist, I grabbed my phone and laid on my bed. I posted a selfie of me I had in my camera roll. I had a simple smile while Meredith's long blonde hair was stuck to my sticky lipgloss. I captioned it "all love for her" and tagged her. I noticed a fan page about me with 3,000+ followers I smiled to myself I followed and spammed her. I also dm'd her saying "I love you to the moon and back thanks for your support and sticking by me❤️". I noticed a hate page with 1,000+ followers. She had commented "rat" I blocked her. I tossed my phone on the sofa in my room.

"Mall?" I asked myself

"Yup" I said answering my own question

Grayson comes into my room with a huge smile.

"Tour dates" he said putting a binder on the dresser

"Cool" I said smiling back

"I'm really sorry about last night" he said holding my hand kissing it

"Don't, I wanted it" I said shaking my head

"but still I can't act like this in rehab they taught me to respect woman" he said looking me in the eyes

"That's good" I said

"Wanna go to the mall?" He asked me

"How'd you know?" I jumped up grabbing my phone.

"Lessss goo" he said grabbing he's stuff

/Skip car ride/

We are now walking into Lids Grayson was looking for a new hat.

"Valeria?" A voice I immediately recognized as Carter

"Carter" I said with a shaky voice turning around

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