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It was all a blur. Black suits and black dresses, they piled in endlessly. This was something she would have enjoyed, attention was what she wanted. But she's gone. Alison was someone I can't categorize under a friend or an enemy. She loved finding out what people want to hide, and she loved torturing them with it. But if you murdered someone, she'll be there to clean up the mess with you. That was Alison. I wasn't sure if I was sad or at peace that she was gone.

"Y/N! You're here!" exclaimed Spencer as she pulled me into a hug. I gave the rest a small smile as they appeared behind Spencer. We trailed in, as Mrs Dilaurentis asked for us to take seats at the front row. I couldn't look Alison in the eye, not even at the picture of her at the front of the hall. I just wanted the funeral to be over.

The rest of the service was a blur. I snapped back into reality as Hanna grabbed my hand. We headed out the door, exchanging hugs with Mrs D as we left. "If I stayed in there any longer I could have choked to death," Aria breathed. "That was intense," Spencer agreed.

"Not exactly an appropriate place to say this but I'm glad to meet you girls again," Mrs Montgomery said as she hugged us. Aria had been gone to Iceland with her family for a year, and they were finally back for Alison's funeral. The rest of the girls small talked but I soon became restless as I glanced at the crowd outside. My eyes just froze at the sight of him. Jason. I wasn't sure if I was happy to see him. He must have felt my stare burning on his back, because he turned around and caught my eye.

Without hesitating, I walked over and so did he. Before I let him speak, I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in the familiar scent. I felt him stiffen under me, but soon he relaxed and hugged back.I pulled away but it hurt to look him in the eye. I looked away as I said "I just felt like you needed it." Jason smiled and I immediately felt the familiar feeling of my stomach doing flips. I missed that. "Thanks, I did need that. It's been so long y/n," he said quietly. I grabbed him by his arm and led us to a bench some distance away from everyone.

We sat there for a couple of minutes. The silence was deafening. "You know how much I hated her, but I never wanted her dead. I convinced myself that she just ran away from home for good. But I can't believe she was murdered," he said as he leaned forward stared at the ground. I could totally understand what he meant. Alison did things that would make you want to yank her hair off, but it wasn't to the extent of getting rid of her.

"Me neither. At least she's not hiding out alone anymore." I said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I think you meant at least she can't ruin people's lives anymore" Jason replied as he stood up and started walking away.

I just stared at him blankly. Jason stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at me. "Look y/n, I know apologizing to you isn't gonna fix things, but I really am sorry. I wanted to inform you, but I realized that if I told you the truth it would hurt you more," he said before vanishing into the crowd.

I just watched him walk away as a series of events flashed before me.

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