Chapter 2

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I slept restlessly through the night. I was too excited to sleep and I found a permanent grin glued onto my face. 

When I got up, I took a fast shower and changed into a loose coral dress that cinched in at  the waist and white wedges. When I was sixteen, Brax bought me a matching necklace, bracelet and earrings set so I decided to wear them today.

 My mom came into my room just as I finished doing my nails. 

"Come on Bella! We'll eat breakfast on the way! I want to be there early just in case!", She exclaimed before rushing back out of my room in a flash. I blinked in a bit of a daze from watching her mouth move so fast, before smiling a little to myself and grabbing my sunglasses off my old desk. 

I walked into the kitchen looking for mom, but I couldn't find her anywhere. 

I decided to check outside, and low and behold she was already waiting in the car, the engine started and everything. She beeped when she saw me and gestured for me to hurry up by pointing to her watch. I laughed and locked the front door behind before joining her. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?", I said as I sat into the passenger seat. 

"No, you drive to slow", She said, flicking her hand in the air. 

"Yeah, and you drive too fast", I retorted putting on my seat belt.

"I stay under the speed limit..... sometimes"

We both laughed, and I realized how much I had actually missed her, missed the fun we used to have. 

We stopped at the same diner I ate at two weeks ago and got coffee's to go.

I clutching my seat the whole way there, I was convinced we would crash at the speed my mom was going at. Yes, she was within the speed limit but she was really pushing it. 

We got there in record time, and I stumbled out of the car when she finally parked. 

"I'm driving on the way home", I exclaimed, smoothing out my dress and making sure my hair was still perfect. 

"Come on, come on, come on", My mom said bouncing on the spot like a child.

"Calm down we're like a half hour early", I rolled my eyes.

We first went to the reception desk where I signed some release forms. I had to sign them, not mom, because I was the one who paid his bail, officially that is. We were then redirected to the side entrance by the receptionist where Brax would be coming from. 

We waited for a bit before the big metal door opened and Brax appeared behind the wire mesh fence. 

My mom jumped a little and clasped her hands together excitedly. The guard opened the door with a sharp buzz and he was finally free.  

It was like a scene from a movie. We both rushed towards him and he dropped his bag on the ground to open up his arms and envelope us into a hug. 

I rested my chin on his shoulder and hugged him tightly. I saw the guard behind the gate watching us with a little smile. 

It was a bittersweet moment. 

Mom and I stepped back to give him some space. 

"Oh, my baby, its great to have you back", Mom said, her lip trembling from the tears beginning to form in her eyes. Brax hugged her again.

"Don't cry mom, you have nothing to cry about anymore". he soothed her. His words seemed to pull at my heart as I found tears trickling down my cheeks. 

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