Fearless A Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood Romance

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           Draco’s point of view:

                          It was a dark cold evening; as I found myself walking across the lake; towards a nearby glowing of amber light. I still have absolutely the slightest clue of what it was; or why I found it so intriguing. All I know is that it felt as though I was under some bizarre yet soothing trance.

                   Taking a final step forward; I felt the hard soil of the ground below me. The once hazy image that I once could not comprehend; began to develop before my eyes; into the shape of a human. Before I could move closer to see what it may have been though I woke up.

                        I know it is completely illogical, for a Malfoy such as myself to obsess or such an idiotic occurrence from a drunken night; however, I couldn’t help feel that whatever it was, was calling for me. Could it be I was going insane? Or was this destiny’s way of telling me to take risk, and go after what is important to me?

                   I suppose, I shall never entirely know the answer until I take the leap of courage. I know, my questions would never be answered until I became Fearless

            "To me, Fearless is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death."
— Taylor Swift

             Walking into the Great Hall, Draco Malfoy was completely oblivious to the fact that he had forgotten to slick his hair into perfect condition, or to even tuck his shirt in; which resulting in him looking awfully hung-over. In all honesty, if it weren’t for Luna Lovegood; he never would have been aware of all the people glancing his way laughing at him.

           For as he made his way past the Ravenclaw table; Loony herself stopped Draco from going any further. Not really in the mood to hear what crazy creatures she had come across today, Draco curtly spoke in a rude manner saying; “What the bloody hell do you want Loony bin?” He said with a smirk appearing across his pale face.

               To his disappointment though, the Loonster seemed completely oblivious to insults cast upon her. Instead she simply stated, “I just wanted to come over, and tell you that your hair is completely unorganized, and you also forgot to tuck in your shirt properly. After all, I don’t think anyone else would feel the need to tell you; they seem to find it humorous for some odd reason.”

                          Running his hand through his hair; Draco realized she was correct about his appearance; and felt embarrassed to have the girl who once wore radish earrings point this out to him. So quietly muttering a spell that put his outfit, and hair in Malfoy worthy condition; he gave her a brief nod.

Fearless A Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now