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So I'm taking two art classes...
Drawing II (didn't sign up for it)
And portfolio... Which is a Drawing IV level class... (Which I also didn't sign up for, thanks old art teacher >~>)
And because I wasn't in drawing III, I don't have the supplies for portfolio like those damn watercolors I ant find but I can buy them from Drawing II later KMS I can't take them out of there either. And my first ever make art teacher is the Drawing II teacher and it's his first year teaching high school... He's trying to talk to me and I'm like hella awkward sooooo. Pretty sure he's heard enough sass from me and I'm the only one who knows what I'm doing like dayum. And in my advanced portfolio class (college level apparently) we had to start a project yesterday with the drawing IV kids in there. Googly eyes were glued down and I had to draw a picture...

 Googly eyes were glued down and I had to draw a picture

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That dog is on point tho. I'm really not confident being in there even though that one girl trying to talk to me at our table who also has no friends loves it... I'm too awkward in real life send help!!!!

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