Chapter 1

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Chapter 1//

Rose's POV


The last period of the day just ended and I had extra money from the lunch I bought. So I decided to reward myself with starbucks. It was only a 20 minute walk from here so I think i'll  manage.

I was walking to Starbucks just thinking about what could happen when i get home. Could dad get mad at me for buying starbucks? Would he even find out? Should I tell him? Should i lie? No No I shouldn't lie. That would cause way more punishment than usual. Whatever. I deserve a nice hot starbucks drink on a cold day like this. I did really good on my test today. Before I knew It i was at the entrance of Starbucks.

I walked in and went up to the counter. I ordered a PSL. {Pumpkin Spice Latte for those who are not up to date} I waited a good 3 minutes before they served me my drink. I sat down at a booth in the back  where it was quiet and less crowded. I sat there and just drank my Latte. Time passing while taking little sips. Letting the Pumpkin flavored coffee warm me up as the vanilla flavored foam melted on my tongue. All of a sudden, the table vibrated. I looked down at my phone and  It was flashing the word 'DAD'. He had sent me a text that said

'GETyu Home Noew'. According to the spelling, It looks like my dad is drunk. Great. I have to go home to a drunk dad. Again. I should be used to it by now but I still don't understand why he takes everything out on me.

I sat up from my table and quickly headed for the exit. As i was rushing I bumped into someone coming in. I dropped my phone, my purse, and my PSL got all over my scarf and sweater along with the other person jacket. "I'm so sorry." I groaned and went to pick up everything i dropped. The person I bumped into, picked up my phone and handed it to me. That's when our eyes met. He had the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen. So bright and full of life. Green. They were bright green. He looked about my age. Maybe a year older. He had the curliest, milk chocolate colored hair and the plumpest pink lips. He was quite handsome. Not to mention he was really  tall. Maybe a whole head taller. I snapped out of it and said "Thanks. Again I'm so sorry." He chuckled and said "It's no problem." He had a deep and raspy voice. Sexy if you ask me. I couldn't help but notice he had an accent. It was an English accent. He was from the UK somewhere. I  have never been out of the country. So lucky him. I nodded and then turned to the the door. As I walked outside the cold fall air hit my face. I could smell the pumpkin latte on my scarf. Crap, How was i gonna hide this now.

Harry's POV

I had just finished helping my mom unpack the boxes. It was cold in our new house so i decided to go out and get something to drink. I wonder if there is a starbucks near here.

"Hey mum," I said "Yes, love?" she asked.

"Is there a starbucks around here?"

"Yes actually there is. It's about 15 minutes away."

"Erm.. Okay. I'm going out then. Do you want anything."

"No. I'm good love thank you."

I took my keys from the counter and hopped in my car. My mum was right. It was about a 15 minute car ride. Which isn't so bad. Back in Holmes Chapel it was about 20 minutes away. Just for a cup of tea. It was unbelievable.

I parked my car, locked it and walked to the entrance of Starbucks. I Opened the door but was bumped into by a girl about a year younger then me. She got her...wait is that pumpkin. She's just like those other girls. Obsessed with their precious "PSL". She got her Latte all down the front of my me. Luckily my jacket was zipped up. I heard her say "I'm so sorry" but didn't reply because i was more focused on what she had dropped. She dropped her phone and her purse. I bent down and picked up her phone. Thankfully it didn't crack or break. I handed it to her and we made eye contact. That's when i realized she was nothing like those other girls. She was beautiful. She had light brown hair and beautiful lips. They were so kissable. But that's not what caught my attention. Her eyes were telling a story that I was interested in. Very interested. She looked tired which explained why she bumped into me. But i didn't mind at all.

"Thanks. Again i'm so sorry." she said. "It's no Problem." I replied. Her head turned to face the floor and then before i knew it she was gone. Out the door and nowhere to be seen. There is something about her that I like. There is a story behind those eyes and i intend on finding out what it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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