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As I walk to the door that leads to the room, my legs begin to tremble. It wasn't because they were exhausted, well, maybe a little, but because they were so excited to feel the soft pillow again. I twirled my stubby tail in excitement. The door is open just a smidgen, but enough for me to push it out with my paw.

Immediately I'm blinded by a dazzling white light from a window across the room. Since my eyes were adjusted to the darkness of the hallway, I could barely open my eyes in this shining light. I sat down and put my paws over my eyes. Well, I tried to, but my legs were so short that they couldn't reach my face. So instead I just shoved my head into the shag carpet. It felt so nice. Like, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for a few weeks.

After I woke up, it was a lot darker in the room. And my legs felt much better after that long nap. I began to explore the room, checking every crevasse, every blanket pile, every nook and cranny, for my pillow. Nothing. There was literally no sign of my pillow being here.

I sat down in frustration and my stomach growled angrily. I snorted in agreement. I had climbed all those stairs for nothing. This while journey was a waste of time and energy. My pillow was probably outside somewhere, with some mangy cat lounging on it, acting like Xerxes IX does whenever he sits on his fancy pillow.

I stood up and began to walk back to the door in disappointment, tail drooping behind me. Just as I was about to exit, I heard an angelic voice, calling me, beckoning me. I tuned around as gracefully as I could, which was actually just watching a blob of jello bounce off a trampoline into a pit of slime. Yeah, I know, so graceful.

The voice was coming from behind a bookshelf. I began to bounce eagerly towards it, in a trance. I stepped into the back into the light and followed the heavenly voice to what could be my demise.

Tubbs the Cat: A Neko Atsume StoryWhere stories live. Discover now