Party Drama

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"What do you wanna know first?" I ask.

"What'd Jake say?" Emma asks.

"Yeah. He got pretty close," Hazel adds.

"For real! Spill it!" Fi says excitedly.

I tell them to wait till our teacher, Mr. Daws is done. He is handing out papers and doing a quick intro. We all know this class isn't going to be too hard. As soon as he is done, my friends turn and face me.

"Okay. He didn't say much," I say. I tell them what he said and they all giggle. I decided to go ahead and tell them how I felt too.

"OMG!" Fi exclaims.

"You two must be soul mates!" Hazel jokes.

"Whatever!" I said.

"Well, have you ever felt that way about Owen?" Emma blurts out.

All of them go quiet and they stare at me. I knew this question was coming. Actually hearing it being asked, I wasn't ready for it. I have to answer them though.

"Look, Owen and I have a different kind of relation... I mean friendship," I say, quickly correcting my mistake.

"Woah, stop," Emma says.

"Did you just say relationship?" Fi asks.

"Yes, but I... I didn't mean too," I say quickly defending myself. It is too late though. They heard me. And they know me way too well! Even if I try, I cannot hide anything from them.

"So, what did happen between you two?" Hazel asks.

"Yeah, you totally left the funeral," Emma whispers.

"Okay, please don't freak out!" I start. "Obviously you saw him come after me. Well we talked a bit and then I asked him if we could go somewhere. So he took me to his house."

I stop, knowing the next part of my story.

"Then what happened Katie?" Fi asks.

I take a deep breath and say, "Well, his parents weren't home. Which you probably know, because they are never home. So we went up to his room."


"We...okay. We.." I start.

"Oh my gosh!" Hazel interrupts me.

They all look at each other, then back at me. They have wide-eyes and are kind of grinning. I was kind of confused at their reaction. It was definitely not what I was expecting. The wide eyes sure, but the smile? What the heck is that supposed to mean?

"So what you're saying is," Hazel started. "You and Owen, you know..."

"Yes... We did!" This time I interrupted her. I didn't realize how loud I was until other groups of people look at me. Most of them have shocked expressions. Jeez, I'm embarrassed now. I avoid eye contact with everyone.

"Not what you think! Mind your own business!" Fiona yells to everyone.

Everyone immediately turns away from Fiona's harsh tone. Fiona may be the smallest in our group, but she isn't one to mess with. They turn their attention back to me. Smiling instead of frowning.

I look at my desk and don't say anything. They get the message and slowly turn back around.

Class goes by quickly and the next class I have is study hall. Really easy first semester. Pretty much easy year! Silently Hazel and I walk to our lockers.

Hazel looks at me as I shut my locker. I have no idea what to say to her. Actually I have no idea what to say to any of my friends. I start to walk to the classroom but Hazel grabs my arm.

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