All Day Fun

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   Mom Sylvia took her kids to the beach one day. Luna, Emma and little brother Lucas, they had a fun day under the sun. They played, they danced, they ate and created memories that forever will live in their hearths. When the family  was  on the way home Luna and Lucas decided to horse arround and Luna sliped and fell on her elbow, fracture her elbow, she was in pain and was taken to the hospital.

    When Luna was on the ground she was screaming and crying. It didnt look like if it was broken because she was still able to move her arm, since we were  far from home , she felt asleep on the way home, when we arrived home she complaint that her arm was in pain and immediatly was taken to the hospital, the doctors did an X-ray and seen that indeed she had a fracture elbow.

  With the elbow fractured Luna needed a Cast, Mom Sylvia and Dad Egon waited for hours at the hospital, and the only one that took it like a champion was Luna. While they waited Luna was horsing  arround, laughing and when it was time to place the cast Luna was tired and just said "Hurry up, i want to gk home!."

    After we waited at the hospital and the cast was on her arm , Luna decided to start hitting tbe floor with the cast , we got home and she got her cast wet , we waited a few days and had to take her back to the hospital because  the cast had a terrible odor. Luna had her cast changed 3 time during a 3 week period, all this because she like to horse arround.

  Now its been 2 month since her cast was removed she is enjoying her arm and till this day Luna has not gotten in a single accident we hope thay she really dont, one thing for sure is that Emma , Lucas ,Mom and Dad are going to lookout for one another like a happy family .

P.S -Egon

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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