chapter one

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"ugh, time to get up and move to freaking Virginia. ugh I don't wanna move. *sight*" you think.
you get up, get dressed into your usual black leggings and Adidas shirt and your black converse, then you brush your teeth and hair then put it up into a messy bun. you grab your phone. "thank god it's at 100%" you think. "this is gonna be a long drive *sigh*" you think.
you go eat breakfast and go sit in the car and be lazy, (the usual) until your parents are done packing and now your driving.
(skip the drive bc you just go on your phone the whole way)
mom: do you like the new house?
you: yeah I love it even though I didn't wanna move.
dad: I love it.
mom: glad you guys like it.
you are the first one in the house and you called dibs on the biggest room. your parents didn't like that, but you didn't care.
you: hey mom can I walk to Starbucks?
mom: is it close?
you: I don't know. I'll just walk around till I find it.
mom: call me if you get lost.
you: okay.
you start looking for Starbucks and thank god you found it because you really wanted some. you walk in and order your drink then sit down. you're looking around and you see a really cute boy. "holy jesus he is hot, but I don't know him so that's weird I think that." you think. you continue drinking your vanilla bean frappé until he walks bye you and smiles then turns around when his friend says jacob, you smile back but he doesn't see. "I guess his name is jacob?" you think. you finish your drink and walk back home.
(jacob isn't famous in this by the way)
mom: how was Starbucks?
you: great.
mom: good, I'm gonna cook dinner soon.
you: okay.
your mom cooks dinner and your family eats.
mom: school starts in a week Y/n! are you excited?
you: no.
mom: why? there's gonna be so many new kids you'll meet!
you: that's why. I hate people.
mom: mean people. you like nice people though?
you: some nice people are annoying as hell, so it actually depends.
mom: oh. eat up, we're going to pick a school after dinner for you.
you: ugh, really?
mom: yeah, really.
you: ugh.
you finish your dinner and leave to go pick your school. after you pick you get this piece of paper saying your teachers name and all your classmates. you see the name 'jacob Sartorius' on the piece of paper. "is that the jacob that smiled at me today?" you think. you get your phone out and search up on Instagram the username 'jacobsartorius' to see if he has Instagram, and he does. "wow he has a great amount of followers. 3k, wow. I don't even have 1k." you think. "damn, he is probably hotter than the sun I swear to got I could cook the best eggs on him. oh my god that sounded really weird." you think. you follow him and about five minutes later he follows you back. "didn't think he would follow me back but yay." you think.

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