Test 31: Original Creation...!?

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"I finished it!"

Lily stretches her small arms in victory, smiling from ear to ear.

Thanks to the extra Lego bricks I brought today, she successfully finished building the third replica of the same unimaginative lego tower.

"Heh, you sure are happy."

It's reassuring to see her smile like this after fiddling with Lego. She clearly doesn't hate it, otherwise she wouldn't smile like that.

"Hmph, it's not like I really tried hard or anything."

She crosses her small arms and turns away, trying to cover her joy.

"You are such a Tsundere."

I pat her her head, expecting a cold retort. A Tsundere will never accept being called such, she's guaranteed to cutely lash at me.

"Tsun... dere?"

She tilts her head with questioning eyes.

"Wait, you don't know what's a Tsundere?"

"A-ah, o-of course I know that much, hmph! I just wanted to make sure that papa also knows what it means!"

She averts her pretty face, twisted with hints of nervousness.

She... doesn't know.

She's a Tsundere. Her model is called "Tsundere-chan". But she doesn't know what's a Tsundere.

This... this is... UNACCEPTABLE!!!!

This is definitely going into my bug reports. Priority 1! Severity 1! A critical bug! I don't care if it doesn't make sense!

That lazy Eric gonna fix it .Right now. RIGHT NOW!!!

"Papa, are you alright?"


Lily looks at me with concern in her eyes.

"You are making a strange face."

"Ah, it's nothing, don't worry."

"Hmph, not like I was worrying or anything."

I shake my head to exorcise the negative attitude and bring another Lego plate toward Lily.

"Now try building something original."


She cutely tilts her head and looks at me with questioning eyes.

"Basically, just build whatever you want. Just not the same structure we already built."


She freezes while staring at the empty lego plate.

Even after snapping out of the freeze, she stays quiet for a while longer. Her lips twist in discomfort and her eyes jump back and forth between the Lego plate and the scattered Lego bricks.

She doesn't understand what I want, does she? Is it really hopeless to expect any creativity out of her?


She suddenly grabs a 2x1 brick and places it on the plate. She then throws me a nervous glance.

"Okay, good. What next?"


She makes a difficult expression and looks at the pile of Lego bricks again.

Is she really going to build something original? Is it really going to happen?!

She places another brick. Oh!

Then another and another. Oh!!!

Yes!!! She is building something- ... wait.

"This is..."

I can already tell. She's planning to replicate the same Lego building. AGAIN.

"Try putting pieces randomly, then build some sort of building from them. Like this."

I grab random bricks and place them all over plate. I purposely place them in such a way that rebuilding the same rehashed Lego tower would be impossible.


She fidgets as she looks at the mess I turned her creation into. There are all sort of parts she never used, scattered all over the place. I even feel like I have gone a little overboard.

"Now continue building from here."


She retreats back a little, with an anxious face. Her eyes are desperately try scan the random construct I erected, but her anxiety isn't dropping.

"You can't do it?"

"O-of course I can, hmph! You just watch!"

That's my girl.

"I have something important to do, so you try building something original meanwhile."

"H-hmph, easily!"

She crosses her arms to look confident, yet her stuttering and tension are all too apparent.

I stand up and head toward my computer. I need to pour all the bugs I have amassed thus far into the server, lest I forget them.

When I turn around to check how Lily fares, I find her frozen expression fixated on the plate. Sigh.


/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter!

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