Chapter 19

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Starfire awoke with a scream as the sun's rays began to fill the room. She had experienced another nightmare, Slade's face etched in her brain. She didn't want her friends seeing what she saw, or seeing her in her times of weakness. She wandered into the kitchen as she made a sandwich and filled a glass of water before wandering in her room, wanting to be alone for as long as it took her to recover.

Robin awoke to find himself alone, beginning to panic until noticing Star had left a note telling him she was in her room, and didn't wish to be bothered. His shoulders dropped in relief as he turned and fell back asleep.

Beastboy sat outside Ravens door, having an inner battle with himself over talking to her. Could talking to Raven really be so bad? His face heated as his hand hesitantly lay on the door before tapping quickly. Fifteen seconds went by before the door opened. "What do you need Beastboy?" Raven asked, looking at the small green boy. Beastboy forced himself to answer. "Just a talk." He said with a smile. To his surprise, she moved, allowing him into her room. The place was littered with spellbooks, and wasn't to defining of a certain personality. Raven sat on the bed, leaving him to sit on the floor. "What do you need to discuss?" She questioned, no emotion leaking into her voice. "Us." He squeaked.

Cyborg lay under the car, his eyes fixed on improving it. But as he lay under the large vehicle, his mind wandered to Bee. Be was a part of titans east, full of spunk and sass, and is also the girl Cyborg had begun to take an intrest in. He was debating on asking her out for pizza. On a date. He shook his head, he would need Star's help for this kind of a thing.

Robin stood in front of Starfire's door, a bowl of ice cream in his hand. He understood what a rough time she was going through, and he knew she probably wouldn't want to talk, but he wouldn't allow her to close him out again. He opened the door only to see her crying, sitting on the purple couch with a blanket wrapped around her. He sat beside her, no words really exchanged as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I should not have came back." She croaked. "I should have stayed on Tameran." She added, unwilling to look at Robin. "No. Your home Star." He whispered, gently wrapping an arm around her. "I'm so sorry." She sniffled. "We will find him." He assured her. "It's too late Robin. I believe he has done something to me. To control my emotions. I feel anger, and hatred. I didn't find out until I did a scan nearly an hour ago in the lab. It is a chip, and certianly will not be easy to remove." She explained, looking down before beginning to cry.


A/N: Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been awhile, but hey, the chapter is here now! Enjoy, and comments and votes are appreciated! So are follows, they are like bonus points!(xD) Anyway, ill try to update asap, and thanks for reading! You all are amazing!


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