The Playbook

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This chapter is inspired by Barney's Playbook in HIMYM. I hope you like the tricks.

||The Playbook||

∞ Logan Anders ∞

"Yesss Finally let's read what's given in this playbook." said Elijah as he held my playbook in his hand.

1. One Week To Live: 15% chance of success

-> Set up camp in a public place and start coughing like crazy. Really get a good wheeze going like you're trying to breathe through a washcloth .

-> Keep coughing until a viable target approaches and asks you what's happening.

-> Fight back tears and tell her it's nothing , but then break down and admit you have only one more week to live.

-> Now tell her then worst part is leaving the earth before even sharing the intimate company of a woman. Sat this with puppy dog eyes and you should be good to go.

2.Little Orphan Logan: 25% chance of success

->On Mother's Day or Father's Day head out to your local bar. Approach a chick and ask her if she called her mother/father to wish them Mother's/Father's Day. When she counters and asks you the same, suddenly get a faraway look in your eyes and say "I don't have a mother/father.

->Now that she feels like a terrible person, tell her you're an orphan- rare these days but whatever, yes you were raised without parents. That's why having a family and being an amazing father someday are the most important things in life to you.

-> After you spend the night with her. Never call her back and cross your fingers and hope she doesn't end up with a fatherless kid, because that would be cruelly ironic.

3.The Mannequin: 77% chance of success

->Sneak into a window display. Assume into a comfortable position. Freeze.

-> Stare out at pedestrians until you see a hottie walk by. This might take a while, so be careful not to lock your legs.

-> Slowly "come to life", knock on the glass, and beckon her inside.

-> Tell her that you've seen her walk by hundreds of times and you've prayed every night that one day you'd become real just so you could talk to her.

-> She'll feel touched and that may lead to other things ;)

-> Just don't do anything in the window, cause that's considered illegal.

4.Befuddled Puppy Owner: 80% chance of success

->Pick out a puppy from a local animal shelter. Aim for the one with the biggest paws and the floppiest ears. Studies have shown that these are the most significant factors in whether a woman will sleep with a guy in order to hang out with his puppy.

->Leash up your new best friend and take him for a walk in the park. Once you've identifies your target, let the puppy loose towards her direction.

->Your target will help you catch your puppy, and immediately fawn over him because the only thing more attractive to a woman than a puppy is Theo James.

-> Admit you're new at this whole dog thing, you saved this puppy from an accident a few weeks ago and he had just recovered. Maybe she could offer to help you out?

-> Take your target home


Mason was left with his eyes widely opened after he finished reading only 5 of my tricks"I knew you were a player but this is just.." "BLOODY BRILLIANT!!!" Elijah interrupted. "Damn right it's good." said Ian. "We all need copies of this, this will help me for the rest of my life" went on Elijah.

"Logan Anders you're the devil every parent has been warning their daughter about."

"I can't do anything. I guess I'm the real life version of Leo Valdez ;)"


Media of Alex Lange playing Mason Sanders

Hope you liked this chapter :') Comment and vote if you did ^^

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