The Witch's Backyard

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The flames danced before Periwinkles eyes, as he stared into the fire. He felt like they were mocking him, laughing at his blank expression. He was still sitting in his chair, considering his options. It had taken him a while to even accept the fact that it was true, that Flora would die from Moonshade poisoning in the next 7 days if he didn't do something about it, and the sun had risen. He took out his already spotless glasses and began to polish them again, while biting his lip.
"Periwinkle. It's ok. We'll find a way."Salavin tried to comfort him, but it wasn't really helpful. The words sounded dull, and helpless to him.
"I'm going to do some more research. It's not like us to give up so quickly.",she decided, and Periwinkle sensed a slight hint of scorn in her voice. She was right, they shouldn't give up, not when Flora's life was at stake, but it felt hopeless.  What could they find, really? The flower was rare, and by the time they would have retrieved it, Flora would already be dead. Without anything to start on, the situation was already lost. Periwinkle sunk back into his chair, and continued to watch the flames lap away at the wood, the way the poison was lapping away at Flora. With such happy thoughts in his head, he drifted off again, into a fitful sleep filled with dreams of shadows and a flower that grew forever out of his reach.
"Periwinkle." A sharp voice woke him. It was Salavin, standing before him. "While you were sleeping, I found something. It might interest you to know that out situation isn't quite as hopeless as it seems." She had her lips pursed, and her hooves tapped against the wooden boards."Are you coming, or would you like to rest some more?"She snorted, and Periwinkle sensed the sarcasm. Involuntarily, he blushed. While he had been busy sleeping, Salavin had been doing all the work, even though Flora was his patient not hers.
    "Sorry Salavin, please lead the way."he said in a small voice, and stared at his paws when she turned rigidly and left the room. Then he hurried after her, not wanting to upset her any further by making her wait.
    Salavin headed towards her observatory, which was located at the very top of her library. There was a large round tube there,which she called Telescope, with which she claimed she could see far distances, even up to the stars. It sat right under the curved window that made up half the roof of her library.
By the time they reached it, Periwinkle was panting and sweating, Salavin had longer legs than him, and she hadn't been trying to go slow. He was dimly aware that Salavin was explaining her plan to him, but all he heard was his heart pounding in his ears.
"Sorry...Salavin. Just...a bit...out of...breath." He gasped between breaths. He was scooped up by her antlers and plopped on a table. She brought her eyes close to him, studying him cooly, then turned away.
"At least try to keep up, will you." Her voice rang with scorn and disappointment. Periwinkles heart rate had finally returned to a normal pace, but his cheeks burned from Salavin's comment, and he pulled his legs towards him.
"Sorry.", he murmured.
"As I was saying,"Salavin continued,"The situation isn't all too hopeless. While Moonshade is naturally only found in the eastern forests, it can also be planted as a herb." Salavin bid him to come over to the telescope. "Look through, and tell me what you see." ,she added expectantly.
Periwinkle pressed his eyes to the long metal tube. He still wasn't quite sure if he believed her about the whole 'seeing into the distance', but since she was already mad at him he wasn't going to test her any further.
At first, all he could see was darkness, but soon his eyes adjusted to the different view of the telescope. When his vision finally cleared up, he squeaked in surprise. He could see a totally different area of the forest, one that would have been totally invisible to the bare eye.
"It's amazing.",he whispered. He could swear he heard her roll her eyes.
"I'm not trying to show off my telescope, Periwinkle. What is it that you can see at the end of it?",she muttered, as if she was trying to keep up her annoyed aura, but he deducted from a slight undertone that his comment had pleased her. Then he directed his attention back to what was visible from the telescope.
His view depicted a small house, completely overgrown by ivy, with a small brick chimney and a swillow of smoke trailing out of it. He could also make out a small garden, but a tree blocked him from seeing what it contained. All in all, he thought it looked very pleasing and inviting.
"It's a nice house...but what does it have to do with Moonshade?"he asked, feeling rather clueless. Salavin had decided to stop being annoyed with him, apparently she thought that now that she could reveal her ingenious plan, she might as well be exited about it.
"Ah, Periwinkle, it's anything but 'nice'. This house belongs to Morvenna Wustock, a sorceress, a witch. I own a couple of her books about Shadow Magic as she calls it, but really it is Necromancy, the magic of the dead. She is definitely not the kind of person to mess with,  not to mention she is human. But she is also a dabbler in the art of poison, and in her books, she often mentions the experiments she does with her own herbs. From that, I have concluded that if you want to find Moonshade anywhere, you should look there.", she concluded with a satisfied smile and intently watched Periwinkle to see his reaction. He gaped at her.
    "Salavin, I don't know what to say. You're a genius!"he shook his head in disbelief. Flora could be saved, everything would be fine. Salavin smiled again.
    "It was nothing, and remember friend, I can't guarantee that she has the Moonshade. But I suggest you go there and take a look."Salavin said with false modesty. Suddenly Periwinkle frowned.
    "I go there to take a look? Aren't you gonna come?" He said with a tightly pressed lips.  Salavin shook her head.
    "Nah, I worked all night, and I'm tired like a hog! I expect a full report though, once you cured that friend o' yours."
Periwinkle swallowed and lowered his head. It won't be nearly as much fun alone. But he supposed that Salavin had done more than enough for him.
    "Thanks a lot. Say, do you have a map though, I don't want to get lost. And I might need a picture of the flower.", he said in a cheery tone, and put on a false smile. Salavin nodded and said that she'd be right back. Periwinkle decided to use the time to assess his situation. He was incredibly glad that Salavin had found a way to save Flora, but he was going into a Witch's backyard. A witch who supposedly dabbled in Shadow Magic. He thought of the magic in is own mind, and for the first time, he was a bit scared. He had never really tried anything that big with it, and wondered what he could do. He knew the dangers, and the maturity of keeping it safe in his mind, but hearing about Shadow Magic and Necromancy made him wonder about the possibilities.
     "Here you are Peri." Salavin had returned and handed him an old map and the page from the book that concerned Moonshade. She regarded him fondly,
     "Watch out  for yerself, I really don't want you to get hurt. Oh, and also don't touch any weird plants in the garden, most of them are probably poisonous, and I would advise against any interactions with the witch, she would probably boil you into mouse stew."   With that, Salavin accompanied him back to the front door and pointed him into the right direction.
   "Good Luck, and...don't do anything dumb." She called.
   "Thanks again Salavin." Periwinkle returned, and off he was, to see the not so wonderful witch of the forest.

        The house of Morvenna Wustock was hidden between two large, shadowy Alder trees. It was overgrown with ivy, under which the large boulder-stone walls peeked out. The roof was covered in weathered shingles that probably used to be red, and a small stone chimney released a swillowing grey smoke into the air. The herb garden was fenced in by an old wooden fence, sections of which had collapsed in on themselves.
     Periwinkle was hiding behind bush to scout out any dangers. He peeked out behind one of the leaves. The house, bathed in broad daylight seemed completely empty, very inviting and safe. This would be a quick mission, in, get the flower, and out. Plus, no-one would pay attention to a grey old mouse like himself anyway.
    Despite all his assurances, Periwinkle decided to let caution reign and waited in his bush until nightfall. That way, he would be completely invisible among the shadows. He glanced up at the sky. All that was left of the moon was a skinny sickle, and he calculated that Flora only had 6 days left. He would be careful- for her sake.
    Periwinkle decided that now was the right time to strike. The moon was hidden behind a cloud, and it was the middle of the night. As Peri left his cover, the house didn't look nearly as inviting as it had during the day. The shadows deepened around it, and the two large trees had an unnatural air to them. Peri quickly glanced around to make sure he was in fact completely alone. He softly made his way into the garden, trying as hard as he could to be silent. Suddenly it occurred to him that in the bush something could have been watching him from behind while he had been watching the house, and he cast another quick glance behind him. Somehow, the fact that he saw nothing wasn't reassuring at all.
He licked his lips. Get in, get the flower, get out. Simple plan, stop sweating it he told himself. Suddenly the clouds ripped open, and the sickle moon illuminated the garden. A bird cried, and Peri flinched. Sweat began to pool in the back of his neck, and shivers ran along his sides. He breathed heavily. Because of the moon, he caught a glimpse of a blue flower in the distance, but he had frozen, like a deer in the headlights. If someone, something, was watching, any movement could give him away now.  He began to shake, and the cold sweat in his neck ran down his back in pearls. He could feel his pulse beginning to race, and his breaths came out in rasps. There is nothing here, just get the flower, you fool, he told himself, but his instincts said otherwise. He was not alone. He'd get the flower during the day, he decided, now was not the time. He bolted. Periwinkle raced back to his bush, not caring if the moon was illuminating him. The bush meant safety. He was terrified. His heart hammered to his neck, and he was shaking all over.
      He didn't notice the dark shadow that parted from the tree. The glowing eyes. He barely felt the claws, as they picked him up by the neck, the way they sliced through his fur. His last thought was,every witch needs a cat,before his vision failed, and the world turned black.


Sorry, but I love the cliffhangers.

If you were scared for Periwinkle, please vote
If you have questions,comments or concerns, comment
And, If you want to know whether Flora will ever be safe, Stay tuned, I'll update within the next two days.

Thanks for reading,

Hobey ho,

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