Chapter 3

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Blood. More bloods. Scared faces, blood... Green mist, blood, fur, blood, claws, scratches, death... Z gasped awake from his dream. He was sleeping inside a old tree hole. He had climbed up it, afraid of what might be on the ground. Z stuck his head out of the hole, looking down. Nothing was there. He carefully climbed out and slid down the tree. The grass was soft on his pads. Z shook his shiny pelt. Dried blood was still stuck on his neck and paws. Z strode over to a stream and washed away the dried blood. Z for the first time saw what he looked like. He had a perfect set of teeth. His jaw was perfect and smooth, with very fine rimmed ears. He noticed how good that side looked. His green eye was very pleasing to look at but his black eye socket didn't look appealing. It black depths had a gray ring around it and the green eye had gray under it, like he doesn't sleep. Z touched his pad to his face. Is this why people are scared of me? No, it couldn't be.. Z hit the water with a paw, sending sparkling rain drops everywhere. He didn't need to fuss about his lost eye, he needed to figure out how to die! There was a village not far away. They won't know he is Z. As long as no one talks to him, he will be fine. Z sighed and stepped out of the clear water. He was very hungry, although he didn't need to eat. Others the villagers would think it was suspicious if he was too skinny and not dead. Z walked through the rest of the oak tree forest. He crossed over a hill and gazed upon the city. It was surrounded by a huge stone wall. A humongous gate was placed near the entrance to the town. Inside was many homes and a castle. He could tell it was way richer than the other village. Z walked on the path that lead to the main part. Z tried to calm down. He needed food, and water to make him look like a normal citizen. Z jumped out of the way as a carriage rode past. He looked around for food, maybe some prey. Soon he entered a square with stands. Armor, weapons, food, cloth, and other materials were sold here. Z didn't have money though. Z felt overcrowded as people bumped into him, making it hard to walk. He retreated into the alleyways, his white fur getting swallowed up by shadows. A rotting stench filled the air, it smelled like some kind of decaying rodent. Z followed the horrible stench that lead him to a rotted rat carcass. Z licked his lips and shoed the black flies away with a paw. He was about to take a bit of the unappetizing meal when a voice laughed. Z lifted his white head, ears up. "I would not eat that if I where you.." Giggled a female voice. Z narrowed his green eye. "Who's there?" He snarled, standing over the foul rat as if guarding it. A cream colored female slipped out of the shadows. She looked Z up and down, then padded in circles around him. When Z was still standing defensively over his prey, she looked at him with disgust. "I'm not going to eat your spoiled rat..." She meowed. Z lifted his head, ears back and teeth bared. "What do you want?" He hissed at her. The unknown female fluffed up her cream pelt and blinked her blue eyes. "I was stopping you from poisoning yourself. You'd be better off buying a mouse from the stands." She meowed, her voice teasing. Z scoffed, "I don't need help from you.." To Z's surprise the female just shrugged. "What's your name, stranger?" She asked whisking her fluffy tail over his nose. "What's it to you.." Z hissed again, feeling uncomfortable. So much for staying low... Z thought for a few seconds. "I'm Sirus." He replied, noticing the cats expression of admiration. "I'm Miuky." She purred, sitting down. Z gave Miuky a cold stare. Miuky must have taken the glare as a sign of friendship. "If you follow me, I can show you where to get food." Miuky said slyly, whisking her tail along his chin then taking steps back into the shadows. Z sighed and reluctantly followed Miuky, not knowing what else to do. Miuky led him through some alleyways until they got to the square. It was less crowded but still very active. Miuky pointed her tail at a stand that was selling prey. "We are going to steal some. Just a rabbit or two." Miuky smirked evilly, blue eyes glowing. Z didn't think it felt right to steal but what choice did he have? Miuky told Z what to do then slipped away into the shadows. She would distract the stand keeper while Z would go in back and steal some. Z slipped in behind and lurked in the shadows. "But sir! I just need one rabbit! My kittens are starving!" Miuky's voice reached Z's ears. "Im sorry ma'am, I can't afford to give you one." The Klerk meowed back, shaking his head. Z crept right behind him and snatched a rabbit. When the Klerk didn't notice, Z grabbed a pair of mice and disappeared. Miuky followed him moments after. Z set down the rabbit for her and held onto the two mice in his jaws. Miuky smiled, blue eyes sparkling. "Nice doing business with you, Sirus. I hope we will meet again."

Z was asleep in a box. Mouse skeletons littered the ground near his black tail tip. He was curled up, eye shut tight as he was having the same nightmare he always had. His white claws were dug into the cardboard box. His white fur was bristled and his teeth were clenched. Suddenly he shot awake, his head banged on the roof of the box. "Ow!" He muttered to himself. Stretching, Z strode out of his box. He yawned and cleaned his pelt with long licks from his tongue. Z walked towards the square, hoping to leave this place. He passed a guard tower that stretched far above his head. He froze with one paw in the air when he heard a pair of them talking. "I heard that Z is back! There are wanted posters of him everywhere, I'm positive they will catch him this time." Z's green eye widened. He raced on, as fast as his legs could carry him. I have to hurry! I don't want to feel pain ever again! Z began to panic and that clouded his gaze and sense of direction. He rammed straight into a brick wall, his face turned red on impact. Z stopped for a few seconds to rub it, his nose stung but he carried on. Z tried to stop as he neared the square but he was running too fast. He skidded his claws, making gouges in the dirt. Someone spotted him and screamed. Z turned tail and ran. He raced back through the alleyways, spraying grit behind him. He could hear paw steps and armor clanging behind him. The sound was gaining quickly. Z's heart pounded so fast he could barely breath. He felt himself being tackled by a slim body. Armor hit against his white fur. Z yowled clearly outraged. A spear was jabbed where his heart was supposed to be. Z coughed up blood as the spear went through his chest and pinned him to the ground. He withered in agony screaming out his pain. 5 soldiers were circling him, clearly trained to capture and kill. One tied up his eyes with a cloth that reminded him of the torture he went through. Now that he couldn't kill them with sight, they chained his legs and arms to the ground. They were clearly trying to figure out a way to kill him. They twisted the spear but that only made Z scream louder. A few had come to see what was going on. Some shrunk away when they saw it was soldier business. Z twisted violently, trying to get the spear out. His healing ability was trying to heal the wound but the spear was blocking it. Trying to kill someone with immortality is very hard. Z thrashed his body as his own warm blood spilled over his body. One of the armored soldiers looked frustrated by not being able to kill Z. The white cat was half red, blood seeping into the fur, making it sticky and bristly. Some of the bystanders had left, as if seeing him bleeding was making them die. One of the soldiers started to repetitively stab Z all over the body. A spear went through his leg, then arm, chest, and stomach. It was like they were trying to find a weak spot. The blindfold was tightened every few minutes as a precaution. Z was hit on the head with a stick, knocking him out. Blackness swamped him, fighting off a few moments of pain...

Z blinked his eyes open. He was in a metal room, chained to the wall again. Z hissed as he felt the pain of the spears again. A voice sounded from somewhere that Z could not identify. "This would be a lot easier if you just told us your weak spot, Z. Then the pain could stop." The voice said. Z started to laugh, coughing up some blood. "Believe me, if I knew I would already be dead.." Z croaked, blood filling his mouth. The voice chuckled, quite amused. "Where would be the fun in that?" The voice sounded metallic, as if projected into the room by a speaker. Z spat out the blood in his mouth, watching it shower onto the ground. "Then just get it over with..."

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