Would you think....

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As Kacey, Justice and Prince followed the guy back up to the front; "that will be $52.37" the guy said just as I pulled my wallet out "what time should I pick up the pictures" Kacey said as she handed him the exact amount. "The pictures should be ready in about an hour or so" he said before handing over the receipt. "Okay thank you" Kacey said as we walked out.

"So anyone hungry?" Kacey smiled

"Uh yeah" ROC answered skeptically as he searched her face for answers

Kacey didn't seem like herself, she smiled differently, walked differently, talked differently, and she even ate differently. We pulled into a parking lot that had an I-Hop, Denny's, Buffalo Wild Wings and Panera Bread. Of course Kacey chose Panera Bread, and the guys chose Buffalo Wild Wings, leaving Mia to become indecisive; " I'll just eat at Panera with Kacey" Mia said

"Okay, cool so I guess we'll meet up afterwards" Prod said as the guys headed into Buffalo Wild Wings and we headed over to Panera.

??? P.O.V

"Great, They make it so easy" ?? said "Guess she'll just have to tag along"

Mia's P.O.V

" Hi may I order your large Mac and Cheese, please" Kacey ordered

"Salad or chips?" the Cashier asked

"Chips please and can I add a Lemonade as well" Kacey replied before nodding off to Mia

" And Ill have the small Mac and Cheese bowl, with chips, a small lemonade and a cinnamon crunch bagel, please"

"Toasted?" the cashier asked

"Please" Mia replied

"will that complete your order?"

"Yes Ma'am" Mia and I simultaneously answered

"That'll be 17.84" the cashier said before I gave her the exact amount.

We took the number and found an area to sit in, taking a high chair I sat it at the end of the table just as Kacey slid Justice in.

"Are you sure your Okay Kacey?" Mia asked giving Kacey a concerned glare

"Yea, Mia I'm fine, just a little hungry" Kacey replied

"Kacey, don't lie to me, I've known you my entire life, I know when your not okay" Mia said as she took Kacey's hand in hers " you know I'm always here for you, you can always talk to me"

"it's just I can't help but to think about Jason, like I don't want to lie to my son, you know. He deserves the best and even though his biological father harmed his mother he still deserves to know his father and Jason still should be able to at least see Justice." Kacey said "what I'm saying is ever since Jason called me earlier, I've been thinking about going to go visit him so he and Justice can see each other, and I think I may be able to gain some closure by seeing him."

"I agree with you one hundred percent Kacey, and if you need me to go with you I will." Mia said "it's just one thing I need to know..."

"And what's that?" Kacey asked

"How do you think Prince is going to take this?" Mia asked

"I don't know" Kacey said "that's what I've been thinking about all this time"

Kacey and Mia sat quietly thinking about what they could possibly tell Prince that would make him see things their way.

"Order 32" the waitress said as she laid our plates in front of us.

Ray's P.O.V

"Can we have 50 wings, half hot and half BBQ" I ordered

"And as for your drinks" the waitress asked as she smiled at Ray

" I would like a strawberry lemonade" I responded

"make that two strawberry lemonades" Prod added

"three" ROC said

Prince seemed in the daze, his attention was definitely not on the waitress who seemed to be extremely interested in me.

"Uhh Prince" I said shaking him a little

"huh? oh yeah, same as them" Prince answered as she walked off sliding a paper with her name and number scribbled on it in my direction.

looking at the paper I simply ignored it and turned towards Prince

"aye bro, you good?" I asked

"yeah yeah, I'm straight" Prince said

"Prince don't lie to me?" I said looking him in the eye

Prince looked up at all of our awaiting faces before speaking "I just don't know what to do about this Jason situation..." "Kacey seems extremely bothered by it, like she shuts down every time he's mentioned or calls and I'm sure one day she's going to want to take Justice to see Jason, and soon. "

"And what's wrong with that?" ROC asked

"What do you mean ROC?" Prod said

"his girl is going to take his step son to see the biological father" Prod said

"Look Prince now my sister is not crazy and she thinks things through before she does them, I'm sure she'll talk to you about it before she does it" Ray said "she's going to need your support, you know she can't do this on her own, so if she goes out to the jailhouse to visit Jason with Justice, make sure your with her right by her side."

Just as Ray finished the food and drinks came and we began eating.

Ray's words replayed in my mind the whole time we ate. He was right, there is nothing wrong with wanting Justice to see his biological father. He deserves to grow up knowing who the prick is and what he did to his mother...

Kaceys P.O.V

"Where are they? It's been 20 mins" I said as we leaned against the car.
"I don't know, but they better hurry up, Your son is getting heavy" Mia said trying to adjust Justice's sleeping figure in her arms.
"Kace, do you see that car?" Mia said looking in the opposite direction so it's not obvious
"Yeah" I said
"Well the guy in the cars been staring at us the whole time we've been standing here..."
"Your right Mia, come on let's go inside and get the guys" I said as we made our way inside Buffalo Wild Wings.

We found the guys instantly thanks to Princes hair and the blonde girl who was all in Rays face.
Mia cleared her throats before saying "the fuck is this?"
And Rays facial expression was priceless but I couldn't laugh without making Mia madder than she already was, but Roc and Prod didn't care they bursted into laughter.
"Baby it's not what it looks like..." Ray said
"Well she's on your lap all in ya face, that's what it looks like, doesn't that seem accurate Kace?" Mia sneered
"Sorry Ray but that looks bad" I said
"You mind getting up?!" Mia said calmly and the blonde made the biggest mistake possible
"This is the girl you claimin?" She said "I look better than her poppy, I can be a better girl friend than she ever was..."
she couldn't finish her sentence because Mia quickly shoved Justice in his dads arms and grabbed the girls hair dragging her off of Rays lap and onto the floor before punching her in the face continuously until Ray and I dragged Mia off of her.
"Mia, chill out!" Roc yelled as Mia attempted to get another hit in.

Ray walked her to the car as they argued the whole way there.
We were right behind them.
"Kacey is it okay if I ride with you guys,I can't be around Ray right now?"
"Yeah Mia" I said as she got in the car locked her door and rolled up her window. As Ray walked over begging her to get out of the car and too come with him.

"Baby, please"  Ray whined
"Just leave me alone Ray" Mia said

??? P.O.V
I see why Jason wanted her, she's beautiful and her friend is just as beautiful, if Jason can get one, I should be able to get two...

***It's been too long Scared and lonely fans and I apologize for that but you know how senior year is... anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, vote & comment ❤️❤️***

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