Chapter 5

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Jordan called and invited his mom, sister, her husband and kids, his brother,his wife and kids, and his dad.

None of them knew about our "news" we'd have to tell them after dinner, if not before.

I was lost in my thoughts, that happens a lot!

"Rachel,Rachel, RACHEL!" I snapped not head from left to right

"uh-yeah" I replied to Natalie who had her hands on my shoulders.

"Jordan was trying to talk to you" I turned and faced jordan.

"yes babe?" he grinned and kissed me

"foods done" Jordan calls me and Keegan (old guitar player for TRS, recently left) astronauts, I guess we can be pretty spacey sometimes.

I sat down across from Jordan and Natalie at the table.

We had a relaxing meal besides natalie screaming.

"Oh My Gosh! " Natalie yelled

"what?" I asked confused as to why she was screaming.

"aunt Jamie is coming up!" soon enough the phone rang. I got up and answered it

" hey auntie!" I smiled I loved my aunt she was there for me when everybody else wasn't

"hey rach, I'm sure Natalie already told you about me coming up I'm in the airport to leave , do you mind if i stay at your house?" she always was a last minute planner

"yeah sure! I'll see you later, bye"

I hung up the phone and sat back down.

"I'm really tired" I yawned only eleven in the morning.

Jordan and Natalie decided to get everything we would need for dinner and went too pick up aunt Jamie from the airport.

I layed in bed and drifted to sleep. I was soon awoken by a terrible dream.

I went back to sleep again. This time being better. Mostly because I put my headphone in and listened to music.

When I awoke for the third time today it was five o'clock. I put on normal clothes fixed my hair and makeup then went downstairs to be greeted by family!

Samantha (Jordan's niece) ran over to me Gianna following behind.

"rachel!" she hugged my legs. I lifted her and Gianna and placed them on my hips, better get use to it.

"rachel those are my girls!" Jordan walked over to me and kissed them then me.

I laughed

"want to hear a secret?" they both nodded and pinky promised to not tell anyone.

He whispered it into their ears. They giggled then touched my stomach.

"and who are these cuties?" my aunt jamie came over and asked referring to Samantha and Gianna.

"oh me I'm Jordan" I playfully hit him

"Gianna is dani and Jason's and Samantha is Mandy's and Dave's" I told her.

"I see" she said "how are you?" Jordan looked at me, my aunt didn't know, nobody knew.

"oh you know" She looked confused.

Everybody sat down for dinner.

We ate turkey with a side of mashed potatoes.

"are you guys being good?" Mandy asked the kids

They nodded the two girls opened theirs mouths

"uncle Jordan and aunt Rachel told us secrets" me and Jordan started laughing.

"can you tell mommy Sam ?" we lnodded

"uncle Jordie is pregenant" Mandy placed her hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow

"well I'm not pregnant, unless I was a girl, but Rachel is, right rach?"

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