The Reveal.

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"Hallo Alex" spoke the mysterious man. Alex's eyes widened up "Y..You?!" yelled the young boy surprised "but why?" was the only question that Alex could think off. The mysterious man looked at Alex "You really have no idea huh?" it sounded "you really have no idea why your old friend Milo, want to get rid of all of you?" Milo was a friend of Alex, but their friendship got tested when 1 element came between them... they were both in love with Quinn so that made Alex a target. "Okay I get that you want me to be gone but why the others?" Alex asked. "Well.." Milo started "Sam, Rachel en Brody always made fun of me being in love with Quinn! And about Quinn herself, she rejected me and I don't tolerate that!" Milo's hand dissapeared behind his back as Alex watch it happening while being confused by Milo's arguments. "You really consider that enough to torture us like that?" Alex asked. Milo's face turned every shade of red of anger "Maybe not for the other but it was enough to torture you!" Milo replied as he pointed a gun at Alex, the two boys were now face to face at each other.

"Got any last words before it ends here for you?" the criminal asked. Alex bit on his lower lip until the silence got disturbed by sirens, "Well yeah, have fun in juvie!" Milo who was surprised and shocked looked scared at the other boy "What, how, when?" were the only words Milo could bring out. Alex chuckled and unbuttoned his coat, he pointed at a red flashing dot "You really think I'd come unprepared?" he said as the police entered the room pushing Milo on the floor after they disarmed him.

The police cuffed him and guided him to the transport car, Alex's friends gathered around him during the event. Quinn looked at the boy between the policemen "I never thought Milo would do something like this.." the girl spoke . "Neither did I" Sam replied, "Hey Alex, congrats on coming back. It takes a lot off courage to do that." Brody said while holding Rachel's hand. The group of friends walked away from the crime scene "Oh guys!" Brody started "I have amazing news. I've been chosen to play with my favorite football team!" he continued excited. "Wow " Sam replied "I have news too, I got a letter from London, I'm gonna study music in Europe!" Rachel smiled "Guys I landed a role in an upcoming movie!" she said. Everyone looked at each other happily as Quinn and Alex looked at one another "You tell them" the girl demanded the boy "Oh no no no you!" they boy replied. "Guys just tell us what's happening" Rachel asked curiously and for a moment it remained quiet. "Alex and I are officially together" Quinn said smiling brightly as Alex grabbed her hand. "Looks like everything ends up good after all" Alex spoke. 

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