Meeting Victoria... Again

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© Sarah Cosgrove 2012

 Salutations Fellow Readers! (Or writers? :D )

Obviously, I'm starting a new story that I've been itching to compose for quite some time.

If you dont know some of the ballet terms, that I'm so EXCITED TO USE, then i would suggest keeping a dictionary close by, or downloading the app Ballet Lite for your iPhone or Android. (I'm such a dancing nerd, because i have this on my iPod, and my HTC XD )

So, all i ask is to give it a chance!

Chapter One:


Nervous- to be highly excitable; unnaturally or acutely uneasy or apprehensive.

     That's exactly what I and the other Twenty Seven dancers in this room felt. Somehow, I knew I was the most nervous of them all. The easy part was over; performing a self- choreographed, four minute routine, exhibiting our talents and strengths, then following a two-hour session of straight ballet technique. During this whole process, we were critically being watched by one of America's most famous and well known Ballet Companies; American Ballet Theatre. Luckily for me, performance wasn't a problem; interviewing was the difficult part. Just the mere thought of actually opening up to someone about my past life, or plastering a fake smile on my face, sent a trembling feeling to my stomach. I genuinely hated talking about myself, mainly because my parents had always told me that I would end up on the streets, and I wasn't properly equipped for ballet. Due to my shorter legs and not very flexible feet, ballet was something that was very difficult for me to get used to. In fact, I was just moved up onto Pointe shoes four years ago! Most of the women in this room have been on Pointe for seven to eight years... Not to mention they're a lot younger than me too.

     I had just moved out of my parents home two years ago; the second I turned eighteen, I packed my bags and took a train to New York City. I rented a very small apartment, sometimes not even supplying the basic needs for survival, and got a job at China Town on Main Street. I try to keep my little flat as clean as possible, though cleaning was never a challenging task; as I said before my parents were monsters... I was always raking the yard, cleaning the toilets, or polishing the floors... etcetera, etcetera. When ever there was a social event taking place at their home, my Parents would always lock me in my extremely small room, and when my Mother or Father's friends would ask where I was, they would say "Oh Victoria is just spending the night with a friend". My Mother and Father were very rich, and to maintain their place in society, they always went to lavish, deluxe, cocktail parties and attended the most extraordinary Musicals and Ballets. During their honeymoon, my Parents were in Paris, watching the ballet "Sleeping Beauty". My mother had always been a dancer, but when she was 24, she broke her foot, and could no longer dance anymore. Still, she enjoyed to watch performances; it made her connect to the good 'ol days. When they received me, that's all she wanted; for her only child to be a dancer. At first I thought Ballet was lame, and easy (boy was I wrong)... Although after my first few classes, I fell in love with it; ballet became the only thing that ever mattered in my life, it was my only escape from the reality that I lived in.

     Now of course I had a very good education, due to the profit of my Father, and I was sent to a boarding school in Los Angeles, Los Angeles' Academy of the Arts, and every semester the students were sent home for a week to catch up with their families, then they would go back to start the new semester. Unlike most kids, school was something I enjoyed; partially because I was away from my parents, and mostly because I was doing what I loved every day. Yes, we did take core subjects, like math, science, history, all of the useless classes, but the majority of our day was filled with the elective of our choice. Some chose creative writing, some chose musical theatre, and some like me chose dancing. From there, it would branch off to what type of dance you liked the most. I had worked and worked up to this point -no pun intended- and this was the only thing that mattered in my life. Just to be on Broadway would mean--

"Victoria Price?"

My heart raced in my chest and suddenly, the entire room went silent. Twenty seven pairs of eyes were all on me, watching my every move, my every action. The woman who called my name waited impatiently at the end of this dim-lit hallway, one hand on her hip, the other tugging at a loose blond curl that dangled in front of her face. Slowly, I escaped my plastic chair, making my way over to my fate. 


The sunlight cracked through my wooden blinds, sending me into a foggy morning haze. Some girl laid beside me, most likely naked; this only confirmed my thoughts. "So I got laid last night," I thought to myself with a grin. She was smoking: perfect body, long legs, sexy face, and don't even get me started in her breasts. She laid there, soundlessly asleep, while the sheets were sprawled around her body. With a sigh, I sat up, thinking about what I had to do today. "Shit," I mumbled remembering I have an audition in less than an hour from now. Quickly, I abandoned my sheets, and sprinted straight for the shower. I washed away all of the sweat and dirt that took over my body and replaced it with something much more pleasant. To some people, showering before a dance audition seems pointless, but I would much prefer to not smell like a fresh pile of shit. I shut the shower off and ran my meaty fingers through my soft, blond, hair. Wrapping the nearest towel around my waist, I threw the door open, and made my way over to my dresser. 

As I searched for my tights and dance shirt, I felt two small arms wrap around my waist. "Hey baby," she said. I roughly peeled her arms off of me "Not now...Debby?" I guessed, not really caring at all. I could feel her glare from behind, "Miranda." I rolled my eyes "Look whoever, last night was great but you need to leave now. I have a life that I need to attend to. So If you'll just be on your way now." Her gazed hardened, and it actually looked like she was trying not to cry. With a huff, she collected her things and flew out of my condo. 


This is just a preview...So what do you dudes think? (:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2012 ⏰

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