The Day of Lay

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     The Day of Lay is a holiday of lay. What constitutes lay? Websters dictionary defines lay as a transitive verb. To simplify, transitive verbs are still just as unhealthy as saturated verbs. Lay can hold one of many different meanings including the following: [ a) to beat or strike down with force b) to put or set down c) to bring forth and deposit d) to press down giving a smooth and even surface e) to dispose or spread over or on a surface f) to set in order or position g)  to put (strands) in place and twist to form a rope, or cable h) to impose as a duty, burden, or punishment i) to put as a burden of reproach j) to advance as an accusation k) to place (something immaterial) on something l) to bring against or into contact with something m) to prepare or position for action or operation n) to bring to a specified condition o) to submit for examination and judgment p) to copulate with q) to produce and deposit eggs r) to remove or to put ].

     With so many definitions and so many different ways to interpret a single three lettered word, one might wonder why the time and effort to copy all the feasible definitions was taken to begin this written piece. After all, a dictionary excerpt is not much of a hook to draw attention. However, the word lay in and of itself is enough to generate many theoretical possibilities of what direction this holiday could take. For instance, the holiday could be about a day where all the carpenters in the world are celebrated for laying nails into wood. Or perhaps the holiday could be a day dedicated to the appreciation of natural beauty where everyone stops all that they normally do and lay down on their back out in a field somewhere and take in all the beauty mother earth provides.

     Regardless of what lay may mean, the Day of Lay is a holiday that was generated for the love of lay.

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