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One year time lapse. What happened? Who stayed together? Who broke up? What could have changed in just one year?

Final year of high school. Moment to make really big decisions.

Who's World's Greatest Couple? It has seven letters.

Someone's turning eighteen.

Unrequited love. Karma is a bitch.

''I think that now that he doesn't want me,I want him.''

Someone comes to New York for the first time,which causes jealousy.

Lucas,the lonely. Zay,the womanizer. Maya,the girl that's no longer torn between two guys but in love with just one. What does she do about that?

''She's just a friend.'' Yeah,right. No one can be friend with someone that hot.

Oh,Charlie. Two part arc. Meet Charlie Gardner,which leads to Psycho.

LUCAYA. ZAYA. It's not a triangle because someone isn't really in triangle.

''I never said I love them both.''

Farkle learns once more what it means to have your heart broken.

Lucas learns that he can't have any girl just because of his beauty. Does he have a personality? Is he just a cute with a face?

Lucas and Farkle become really good friends.

Ski Lodge. Two part arc. No trip involved. No triangles. No hidden feelings. No plot twist. What happens at Ski Lodge,doesn't stay there,because it becomes a legend.

A scare. Advice: Use protection. Just a scare or suspicions are confirmed?

''Please,remember me.'' How do you want someone to remember you? Farkle has clear thing on his mind.

''We don't have future together.''

Sixth Sense. Zay really knows woman.

Positive or Negative? There's only one answer.

Maya finally hears story of how Riley met Farkle. How did Riley fell for Farkle? How did they really become friends? What it has to do with Charlie?

They almost had it all. You can't imagine how one small letter change people's lives.

College. But,where? And does it even matter? Yes,it matters,a lot.

Lucas finally realizes what it means to be single. Does he like it?

A test. Really important test people don't do every day.

Positive or Negative? There are two answers now.

ZAYA. A small scare brings them together or makes their relationship worse?

COLLEGE. What decision to make? It's now or never,unless Riley begins telling lies.

''You go.I'll be fine.'' Joshaya parallel. Is Farkle just a fantasy or a real love? Riley gives her explanation.

Lucas has real feelings for someone he shouldn't. It affects his friendship with one person.

Something coming. A wedding? Break up? Getting back together? Cheating? Dead? Baby? Everything is possible!

A possible TRIANGLE? There's a foreshadow.

What begins with lie,doesn't end up that quickly.

''I'm doing this for him.''


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